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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/24 11:03  寄托天下

  Dear sir or madame,

  Thank you for your message about the next version of the TOEFL test. We will begin to transition the new test in 2004, however we have not yet determined the exact dates. I encourage you to continue to visit the TOEFL website for the most up-to-date information. I am sorry that I cannot give you more specific ifnormation at this time.

  When a test taker asks TOEFL to send a copy of their scores to universities, we send the score only for the testing date the student asked for. In other words, we do not send ALL of your previous scores. We send only the scores from the date you choose. Therefore, it would be in your best interest to choose your highest TOEFL score for sending to a university.

  Thank you again for writing to TOEFL.


  Eileen Tyson

  TOEFL Program

  Educational Testing Service

  -----Original Message-----

  From: lanlan821@sohu.com [mailto:lanlan821@sohu.com]

  Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 1:12 AM

  To: Toeflnews

  Subject: when will the new TOFEL exactly start in China?

  I am a sophomore in China and have some questions to ask:

  1: When will the new TOEFL exactly start in China?

  Will it start on January 1?

  (The information I find only is: New TOEFL will start in China in fall in 2004!)

  I want to have the exam on May in 2004,but I don't know if it is paper-based?

  2: If I have attended several exams,when I apply to the university,do I send the last score or the best score?

  Does every score have it's record like GRE?

  I am looking forward to the reply, thanks!

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