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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《哈利-波特与凤凰的指令》正热销

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/27 12:29  河南报业网-大河报


  Harry Potter Magic

  The long-awaited fifth book in the Harry Potter series has become an instant best-seller less than 24 hours after the June publication date was announcedonline book stores said on Jenuary 16.


  Amazon.com said it took only two hours after pre-ordering for″Harry Potter and thesgroupsof the Phoenix″to reach the top-selling spot.


  Harry Potter fans have had to wait three years for″Order of the Phoenix″which was delayed by Rowling's marriage and her subsequent pregnancy.


  Amazon.com declined to release pre-order figures for″Order of the Phoenix″but said one figures were 100 times those for the first day of pre-orders for the last book″Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire″which was published in July 2000and became Amazon.com's largest book pre-order in history with more than 400000 advance orders worldwide.





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