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NHS Funding
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/30 10:22  《英语学习》


  Looking at how far we'll be able to fund<注2> the Health Service<注3> in the 21st century raises<注4> any number of<注5> thorny issues. Many of the options<注6> have already been rehearsed<注7> in the press<注8>: excluding some treatments from the NHS, charging for<注9> certain drugs and services, and developing voluntary or compulsory health insurance<注10> schemes<注11>.Compared to its European Union counterparts<注12> Britain operates a low-cost health system<注13>: we spend about 7 per cent of GDP<注14> on health, compared with 9 per cent in the Netherlands and 10 per cent in France and Germany. In terms of health outcomes versus spend<注15>, we compare pretty favourably<注16>.

  I don't see private health care<注17> providing much of the solution to<注18> current problems. More likely is<注19> a shift from universal health coverage<注20> to top-up schemes<注21> which give people basic health entitlements<注22> but require them to finance<注23> other treatment through private financing<注24>, or opt-out schemes<注25> which use tax relief<注26> to encourage individuals to make private provision<注27>. Neither is close to being implemented, but the future could see<注28> a deliberate shift of attention to voluntary health insurance and an emphasis on social insurance.

  I expect individuals to take greater responsibility for their personal health using technology that allows self-diagnosis followed by self-treatment or home care<注29>. Even so, higher taxes will plainly be needed to fund health care. I think<注30> we'll eventually see larger NHS charges<注31>, more rationing of medical services and restrictions on certain procedures<注32> without proven outcomes<注33>. Stricter eligibility criteria<注34> for certain treatments are another possibility.

  All such options would mean a sharp break<注35> with tradition and political fall-out<注36> that could be extremely damaging. None of them is going to win votes for the political party desperate enough<注37> to introduce them but then nobody is going to vote for ill-health or an early death either.

  (From CAM: Cambridge Alumni Magazine, No. 28, 1999)


  1. NHS:National Health Service(国民保健服务)的缩写。

  2. how far... fund...:字面意思是‘在为……提供资金方面能走多远’,也就是‘能为……提供多少资金’。

  3. the Health Service:这里指National Health Service。

  4. raises:跟issue搭配时,意思一般是‘引发’。这里因为主语是Looking at ...,而单纯‘看’不会引发问题,所以译成“发现”。

  5. any number of: = a lot of,可以译成“一大堆”。

  6. options:可选择的办法。即“解决办法”。

  7. rehearsed:本义是‘排练’,由于正式演出前的排练一般不止一次,此处应理解为‘多次讨论’。

  8. in the press:在报纸上。注意:这种说法比in newspapers更地道。

  9. charging for...:对……收费。

  10. health insurance = medical insurance:医疗保险,不是‘健康保险’。

  11. schemes:这个词在表达‘计划、制度’等意思时,是英国英语用法。

  12. counterparts:对应的人或事物。与英国对应的事物即其他国家。

  13. health system:医疗保健体系。

  14. GDP:Gross Domestic Product(国内生产总值)的缩写。

  15. In... spend:spend用作名词时,比spending随便,可以译成“花销”;outcome一般意思是‘结果’,这里可译成“收效”。原文outcomes在前,spend在后,译文调整为“花销”在前,“收效”在后,逻辑关系更为自然。

  16. compare pretty favourably:这里的意思是‘比起其他国家,我们表现得相当不错’。

  17. private health care:私费医疗保健。

  18. providing... solution to:这里的意思不是‘提供解决目前问题的许多办法’,而是‘对于解决目前问题起多大作用’。

  19. more likely is:这里的意思是‘更有可能解决问题的是’,不妨灵活译成“更可行的办法是”。

  20. universal health coverage:全民医疗保健制。

  21. top-up schemes:补差付费制。

  22. health entitlements:医疗保健权。

  23. finance: = pay for.付费。

  24. through private financing:自筹资金。

  25. or opt-out scheme:前一句既然是“更可行的办法是”,这里最好加一些话,译成“另一个办法是实行退出制”。

  26. tax relief:减税。

  27. make private provision: make provision的意思是‘为……作出筹划、准备,未雨绸缪’,make private provision在这里指“个人解决自己的医疗保险问题”。

  28. the future could see:英语经常用一个表示时间的短语作主语,以see作动词,以表示事情发生的名词短语作宾语,表达在某时间发生某事。翻译时不管see,直接把作为宾语的名词短语转换成句子即可。

  29. home care:家居护理。

  30. I think:这里可以不译,因为这一段开头有“我预计”。

  31. larger NHS charges:国民保健服务收费会更高。不能译成“更大的国民保健服务收费”。

  32. procedure:这个词的意思一般是‘程序’,这里与医疗有关,又牵扯到outcomes,应当作‘疗法’理解。

  33. outcomes:与医疗有关的结果是“效果”。

  34. stricter eligibility criteria:简单译成“更严格的资格标准”意思不清楚,得费点事,译成“将有更严格的标准,规定什么情况才有资格……"。

  35. sharp break:“彻底决裂”或“一刀两断”。

  36. fallout:所产生的影响。

  37. desperate enough:万不得已。不能译成“足够绝望”。

《英语学习》2003年1期 专题
选民都到哪儿去了(2003/01/29/ 13:49)









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