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Ports 1961A world of style
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/31 11:21  上海英文星报

  FOR this spring and summer, Ports 1961 "Design Duo", Tia and Fiona Cibani, went on an extended holiday. As they travelled the globe, different cultures and their fashion history evoked the inspiration behind the Spring/Summer collection for 2003.

  The sister team's first stop was New York City. A no-nonsense approach to clean and minimal fashion, in take-charge black and white, gives a new meaning to "big city chic".

  Leaving behind the noise of the big city, Fiona's escape to Cape Cod resulted in a new take on the classic red, white and navy yachting traditions, while Tia's stay in London introduced the theme of redefining romance.

  With unbounded flair, Tia couples opalescent shades of princess and oyster in the finest cotton with stiff denim to capture the edgy allure of modern London.

  Heading for the sun, the two sisters teamed up in Barcelonaswheresit was time for fiesta! A sultry blend of ruffles, beads and textures in silk and cotton swirl harmoniously to Flamenco rhythms.

  A Samba away, a visit to Seville inspired the design twosome with its antique mosaics in ceramic hues mixed with rustic earthy tones.

  Marrakech was their final destination. Steeped in culture, hazy summer-weight cottons and shantung silk in luxurious shades of spice, henna and amber are embroidered and lavishly decorated.

  Ports 1961 "Design Duo" presents their Cultural Mosaic Spring/Summer collection - a rich and exotic fusion of fashion and culture from three diverse continents.




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