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Student pilot lands at Air Force One home
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/31 11:59  金羊网-新快报

  An apparently lost student pilot trying to reach a civilian airport about 10 miles away landed his helicopter at Andrews Air Force Base on Saturday, authorities said.

  A statement from the 89th Airlift Wing, the outfight that manages the presidential fleet, said the unauthorized landing occurred at about 5 p.m. and was met immediately by security personnel.

  Initial indications are that the pilot, who carried a Swiss passport and other identification, was lost and was attempting to land at Indian Head Airport, seven to 10 miles from Andrews, the statement said.

  However, the FBI and Air Force Office of Special Investigations were called in to asset an investigation.

  The statement said the pilot and his aircraft remained at Andrews several hours after the incident. There was no indication what would happen to the pilot or his aircraft, or when.

  There have been numerous incidents of pilots strayingsintosrestricted airspace around Washington and the presidential compound at Camp David, Md.

  Typically, they are released after through questioning and their cases referred to the Federal Aviation Administration for possible administrative action for not following proper flight procedures.








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