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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 美国马萨诸塞州人狗共享按摩将遭禁

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/04 09:40  金羊网-新快报

  The idea of people and pets getting professional massages in the same place rubs Easthampton, Mass., officials the wrong way, so they're trying to tighten some health regulations.

  The Board of Health is considering a proposal to differentiate between animal and human clients of massage therapists.

  “We don't want (massage therapists) massaging animals at the same facilityswhereshumans are massaged,”Health Agent Dennis Lacourse told the Daily Hampshire Gazette on Jan. 27.“Do physicians let you bring your dogsintosthe examining room? No.”

  Lacourse said human clients in massage facilities used by animals could potentially be exposed to parasites and disease, and animal hair can cause allergic reactions.

  The Board of Health will hold a public hearing Feb. 3 on a proposal that would require therapists providing massage or muscular therapy to animals to set up a facility specifically for them.

  Massage therapists say their practice can be every bit as soothing and relaxing to pets as it is to their owners.







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