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HR Management and Managers' Leadership
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/10 11:26  中国周刊

  The Changing Role and Importance of Human Resources Management in ChinaWith the increased competition that China's long awaited World Trade Organization (WTO) entry will surely bring, one of the most significant challenges for foreign invested enterprises as well as for China's domestic businesses is in the field of Human Resources (HR).

  As the role of HR evolves over time, the way we look at the role of Human Resources Management (HRM) also is evolving. Generally, in the past within many companies in China, "HR Management" was viewed as nothing more than the administrative process of dealing with such mundane personnel matters as hiring workers, providing transportation and meals services, the processing of housing, medical and social insurance benefits, and maintaining good labor relations with workers. While the administration of these activities was and still is important to business, HR Management in China generally was not seen as helpful in delivering upon business strategy nor something that could help a company differentiate itself or provide a competitive advantage to the company.

  However, this view of HR Management is changing and the transition has already begun within some of China's leading foreign and domestic companies that are successful within their respective industries and markets. The business and HR leaders within these companies would content that HR Management has become much more than an administrative process. The role of HR Management in China today has really become the strategic management of the organization's employee talent in support of the business mission and objectives. It is a role which can help to set the stage for being able to achieve the business strategy for the organization through understanding how to best utilize its strongest and most competitive asset - its people.

  For these businesses, the reality for operating in China today is that it is simply no longer an advantage to just have an operation with the lowest labor cost structure with minimal employee services as a basis to compete with and win versus the competition. The elimination of trade restrictions and increased domestic market access as a result of WTO means foreign and domestic companies will become competitors on equal footing. Thus, an area, which will be critical for a company to be able to further differentiate themselves in the achievement of its business strategy, will be through the building and maintaining of a world-class organization of employee talent.

  This organization of employee talent will need to be multi-skilled, highly motivated, understand the international business marketplace, and be fairly compensated with all of the opportunities available to them to learn, grow and develop within the company. Insgroupsto build this organization of employee talent, foreign and domestic companies must take the time to understand what it takes to make employees more productive, more satisfied with their jobs, more likely to want to stay and grow with the company insgroupsto have the type of highly skilled, motivated and stable workforce to do battle with the new competition they are sure to face post-WTO.

  This is an exciting time in China with some of the best career opportunities in the world now available here today for a very bright, mobile Chinese workforce including people locally educated as well those people returning from overseas educational and work assignments. However, for companies looking to attract this pool of workers, the battle for employee talents will be tougher than at any time in China's history and companies that can easily explain to and convince potential candidates and current employees why their company is a great place to work will have the upper advantage. However, the battle is not just won on compensation packages alone - insgroupsto attract talent, companies must have the right mix of pay, leadership / management opportunities, training, career development and long term career growth opportunities.

  The right people for any organization or business can provide a competitive advantage and therefore businesses in China need to be able to start using and planning for their people as they would any other asset. Thus, planning for how a company's people can be used to help maximize the company's business strategy becomes crucial. This is the basis for the role that today's HR leaders must play within the business.These are the realities facing today's business and HR leaders in China and this is why the role of HR Management has become one of the hottest topics in the context of understanding those factors which will ultimately help foreign and domestic businesses to be successful operating in a post WTO China marketplace.

  Leadership Coaching Builds Stronger Leadership Team and Improves Organization Effective in International Arena .

  As the business world has become more volatile with mergers and acquisitions, global competitions, and changing workforce, executive's capability in leading a learning organization and shaping a high performance culture is highly correlated to business bottom line. Formal leadership development process is not only preparing leaders for future business challenges, but also in increasing their effectiveness and improving business performance of the company. Developing leaders is the cornerstone of improving organization effectiveness.

  Although growing number of companies are going global, many are found a shortage of talent prepared to help them survive and thrive in the international arena. There are four most critical leadership capabilities that mangers with global responsibilities bring to their work- international business knowledge, cultural adaptability, perspective-taking and innovation.

  In preparing for managers for taking on more challenging post in their career move, leadership assessment and coaching is a very effective way to develop leaders. Leadership assessment provides objective perspectives through multiple sources using different methodologies that also tiessintoscompany vision, culture and long term strategy. In the center of leadership assessment is to understand how leadership behaviors are demonstrated and identify gaps in these areas. People used to think that leadership development can be learned in single event or one program. However, leadership development is an ongoing and highly personal process, and it must include on going support. Leadership Coaching, along with other developmental assignments and training, helps leaders to focus on goals and provide support in taking actions to become more effective leaders. In reality, few people are lucky enough to get the support and coaching they need. Coaching provides insightful, honest, and confidential coaching to leaders. Coaching helps leaders to deal with difficult situations, improve self awareness and design their own comprehensive developmental plans. Typically, coaching looks at the personal and professional lives all together. It is the wholeness of a leader, including physical, work, emotional, social, family, financial, and spiritual aspects. All these aspects are clearly tied to his/her growth goals.

  Coaching experiences also prepares leaders to become internal coach themselves in their organization and become more self-sustaining in developing its leaders internally. It enhances initiatives aimed at managing change, and fosters a climate of organizational learning.

  A coach should have thorough understanding and systematically learned behavioral sciences. He or she also needs to have business/organization knowledge, ethical, great assessment skills, personal maturity and stability, flexibility and ability to work effectively with a broad range of executives, and managing dynamics of changes.

  Learning is an on-going, interactive process. The feedback that coaches provide to managers can bring about a change and inspire individuals to identify and achieve goals effectively, therefore benefit the organization as a whole. Coach for leaders like the coach in sports- Phil Jackson was able to manage the best NBA team by seeing different potentials in each star players and work through the best strategy to work together and win games.

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