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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > CET > 2002年12月大学英语四六级作文分析

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/11 14:31  文都在线

  四六级考试作文的一个总体趋势是越来越灵活,而且题型也越来越综合。2002年12月的作文题目是"It Pays to Be Honest"(诚实是值得的),用一个类似谚语的题目要求学生给出"当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象"(第一个要求),并且证明"诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实"(第二个要求)。看到这个题目,参加过文都考前辅导的学生应该感到很熟悉,因为辅导老师给出的一个要求同学们"死背"住的文章题目就是"Honesty Is the Best Policy"(诚实是上策)。以下是考前的辅导原文:

  Honesty Is the Best Policy

  It is usually better to be honest than dishonest. Sometimes honesty may get you in trouble or hurt someone, but on the whole telling the truth is less harmful than lying. Dishonesty can result in guilty feelings, cause distrust among people and even ruin your reputation.

  One of the worse things about lying is that it causes a guilty conscience. Even if no one ever discovers the lie, you will know about it and it will bother you for a long time. Another problem occurs when others know about your lies. As a result, people will not trust you any longer and you will lose your reputation and all your friends. Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf for several times so no one would trust him? At last all his sheep were eaten by the wolf. His dishonesty brought him shame as well as damage.

  So to sum up, honesty not only brings us honor and friendship, but also material gains. Honesty is the best policy we can take. (172 words)


  1.形式:虽然给出了两个提示,同学们写两段也不会扣分,但根据老师的要求,最好写三段。第一段为介绍主题;第二段为"What"(什么),即给出一些社会上不诚实的现象,最好用上表示顺序的连接词(In the first place…, In the second place…, Last but not the least important…)再加一个例子。第三段为"Why"(为什么),讲诚实如何对自己和他人有好处,为什么做人应该诚实。最后可以下一个简短的结论。



  It Pays to Be Honest

  As is known to all, "It pays to be honest". It is usually better to be honest than dishonest. Sometimes honesty may get you in trouble or hurt someone, but on the whole telling the truth is better than lying.

  However, there are many dishonest instances in our society. In the first place, many merchants cheat the customers. Take my neighbor, Xiao Wang, as an example. He bought a TV set with 2,000 yuan a week ago, but now it doesn't work. In the second place, some students cheat on exams insgroupsto pass the exams or get high marks. Last but not the least important, many rich professionals cheat the government by evading the taxes. Liu Xiaoqing is a good case in point.

  On the contrary, honesty not only brings us honor and friendship, but also material gains. To begin with, if we are honest, we will be trusted by others so others' trust will give us self-respect as well as social companionship. In addition, other people's trust will also bring us instrumental support-financial aid, material resources, and needed services. So to sum up, it does pay to be honest. (193 words)


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