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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 中国周刊(2002年8月号) > Akram Khan brings modern dance to China

Akram Khan brings modern dance to China
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/27 11:51  中国周刊

  Royal Festival Hall choreographer in residence, Akram Khan, has worked together with the celebrated talents of Anish Kapoor (world renowned sculptor and set designer) and Nitin Sawhney (multi-award winning composer) to produce a series of highly original modern dance performances which will be presented throughout China in September and October 2002. Akram Khan and his company have been invited by Beijing Performance Company, the British Council, Beijing Qiange Century Advertising Co. Ltd, and Beijing Promote the Oriental National Culture Development Co., Ltd. to perform at the Cultural Palace of Nationalities Theatre from 13 to 14 September 2002. Virgin Atlantic Airways is the major sponsor for the event. With a number of outstanding awards to his name, Akram Khan has performed at some of the most important contemporary dance festivals around the world in the last 3 years.

  In Beijing thesgroupswill perform "KAASH" (Hindi word for "if"), a fusion of Kathak and modern dance which explores the nature of Indian gods through Khan's own unique language of movement. Using the cinematic idea of "flashback",swheresthe end is seen at the beginning, the story of "KAASH" will unravel itself to reveal how it arrived at its conclusion. "Hindu Gods, black holes, Indian time cycles, tablas, creation, destruction" are the starting points, says Akram Khan, for this new work which began touring Europe earlier this year. Danced by a five-strong international cast of performers, "KAASH" continues Akram Khan's quest to build bridges between the worlds of contemporary dance and the Indian classical dance form Kathak. The result is choreography that is intelligent, compelling and beautiful to watch. Akram Khan has joined the ranks of young artists bringing new vitality to cross-cultural expression in the world today.

  For his work in 2000 he was awarded Outstanding Newcomer to Dance Awards by both the Critics Circle - Dance Section and Time Out Live. In April 2001 Akram Khan was invited to be Choreographer in Residence at the Royal Festival Hall in London for a period of two years.

  Akram Khan's "KAASH" is yet another outstanding feature of the British Council's arts programme for 2002 which has included theatre performances of "The Red Shoes" by Kneehigh Theatre and "The Merchant of Venice" by the Royal Shakespeare Company. In China the British Council operates as the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy. You can visit the website: www.britishcouncil.org.cn for information about more innovative events in 2002. Khan will also travel to Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing.

  "Kaash has a multi-dimensional beauty and knife-edge focus that deem it one of the most hypnotic dance experiences on offer. This is the kind of movement that tugs at the heart and stays twitching long after the endless applause has finished. There is no doubt about it - Akram Khan is a star." - The Stage"...epic, deeply focused and grandly beautiful..." - The Daily Telegraph

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