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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 中国周刊(2002年10月号) > My Hallowe'en plan in Beijing

My Hallowe'en plan in Beijing
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/03 13:58  中国周刊


  Nothing better signifies Halloween than a glowing Jack O'lantern.

  Supermarkets like Carrefour will carry a selection of pumpkins.


  When in Beijing, do as the Beijingers do. Why not go for a variation on a theme with a fantastic Peking Opera mask?

  Each mask represents the makeup used to portray a particular type of person, i.e. teacher, government leader, etc. The masks come in many different sizes but all are in vibrant colours.

  Better ask the shop attendants for the background of each mask before you make a decision.

  The masks vary in size and prices that range from 30 yuan (US.60) to 200 yuan (US).

  Ghostly gowns!

  What is the best colour to depict a ghost?

  Here, it is blue.

  So why not try a blue gown and be as ghostly as possible?

  Lanyifang, a small yet tastefully furnished store, is dedicated to handmade cloth products made of blue calico, a special fabric mainly dyed with indigo.

  Blue calico, similar to batik in appearance, is one of the traditional Chinese handicrafts popular in Nantong, Jiangsu Province. Its patterns are made with starch of lime and soybean flour instead of the wax used for batik.

  Wall hangings, clothes, bed sheets, bags and shoes made of the material are found in the shop.

  Trick or treat!

  Just imagine you are walking up to the front door. You are attending a Halloween Party or perhaps you are just trick or treating on a dark October night.

  Along the path you are greeted by ghoulish figures, their large pumpkin heads and grisly features aglow with wavering light.shavingsthem stand sentry at your haunted house makes for a unique and startling sight.

  Find a copper statue of buddha at the Iron Faced Man, a shop which sells nothing but copper.

  Also available in the shop are various itemsss ranging from copper mirrors to copper pipes, copper sculptures and masks.

  Prices range from 10 yuan (US.20) to several thousand.

  Crazy for cotton!

  Buyi qingshang, which means clothes made of pure cotton, is a small shop specializing in primitive ornaments made of cotton and linen.

  Here you'll find a sponge-packed fish-shape key ring, sofa cushions of various designs, pillowcases, table cloths, cotton blankets and purses. They are all handmade and dyed with natural dyes made from vegetable and fruit juice.

  You'll also find grey shirts made of Nepalese cloth with dark blue and brown strips, another possible choice for Halloween.

  Make headlines!

  Taken by this fancy hair ornament? Sorry, the owner won't sell it since it was a gift from her mother when she turned 13. But you cansgroupsone just like it and chances are you won't find one like it anywhere else in the city.

  Run by a girl from Yuannan Province who is of the Naxi nationality, Naxi Handicrafts Store features all kinds of handicrafts collected by the owner.

  Woodcarvings, scarves, sackcloth wallets and pleated skirts with 365 folds are among the bestsellers .

  Prices range from 20 to 1,000 yuan (US.4 to 120), yet most of the small items like wallets and scarves are below 100 yuan (US).

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