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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 剑桥考试在中国 > 我应参加哪种考试?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/13 18:47  剑桥大学考试委员会


  首先你要确定你获取语言证书的目的。是为了去英语国家学习吗?是为了得到更好的工作吗?还是为了个人兴趣及自我价值体现?无论你的理由是什么,我们都将有一套适合你的考试。请在本页查阅不同的考试并挑选出最适合你的考试。为了找到最适合你的考试,请你: -咨询你的老师或培训员


  -做个快速测验,例如牛津大学出版社出版的QUICK PLACEMENT TEST(快速编班测试)。


  How do I know which exam to take?

  You must first decide your aim in getting a language qualification. Is it perhaps to go to university in an English-speaking country? Is it to get a better job? Is it just for your personal interest and satisfaction? Whatever your reason, we have a suitable exam or test for you. Look at the different exams on this website and choose the one that suits you best.

  To find out which exam would be the most appropriate for your, you should:

  - ask your teacher or trainer if you have one

  - look at typical exam questions (available on this site) and see if they are too easy/too difficult/more or less right

  - do a quick test, such as the Quick Placement Test produced by Oxford University Press

  We don't know you or your language level and we cannot really advise you which exam is best!

  With tests, on the other hand, you don't have to choose because every candidate does the same paper. The test tells you what level you are at!

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