In the Bedroom | 2003/03/17 13:15 《英语学习》 |
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在缅因州执业的中年医生麦特-福勒与当音乐教师的妻子露丝结婚多年,一直过着简单而平淡的生活。有一年,他们惟一的儿子弗兰克暑假从大学回家勤工俭学,爱上了一个正在闹离婚的有着两个孩子的漂亮母亲娜塔丽。这在小镇上掀起了轩然大波,彻底改变了这对夫妇平静的生活。三角关系的急剧发展最终以弗兰克被杀而结束,而法律的漏洞却使凶手得不到应有的惩罚。这对夫妇终日生活在丧子的痛苦中,而与凶手低头不见抬头见的现实更使他们愤怒不已。最终,他们只好靠自己伸张正义。 影片《意外边缘》在第74届奥斯卡评奖中获得最佳影片、最佳男主角、最佳女主角、最佳女配角和最佳改编剧本五项大奖的提名。该片之所以获此殊荣是因为两个方面的原因:其一,主题涉及了美国法律的弊端。当法律不能伸张正义时,人们就有可能铤而走险。其二,影片的风格与众不同。演员的表演真实自然,故事的节奏舒缓有致,影片的摄影也简单质朴,颇有些新现实主义的韵味。 Dr. Matt Fowler and his wife Ruth, a music teacher, have a simple and peaceful life in the state of Maine1 until their only son Frank's love affair in the summer vacation changes everything. 21-year-old Frank, who is studying in college, comes back to his coasta<注l> hometown for a part-time summer job. Unfortunately he falls in love with beautiful and understanding Natalie Strout, a married woman with two kids. At the moment she is in the process of divorcing her husband Richard Strout who is prone to<注2> violence. Frank's unusual relationship with Natalie causes a stir in the old couple, especially Ruth who is very upset about the age gap between Frank and Natalie as well as the estranged<注3> Richard who tries to move backsintosNatalie's place and refuses to sign the divorce paper. Coming home from school one day, Ruth is shocked to see Matt cleaning the bruises on Frank's face."It's Richard who brokesintosNatalie's place and beat him up. Ruth insists on reporting to the police and even pressing charges<注4> against Richard, but Frank persuades her to forget it saying that it was only a scuffle<注5> and nothing serious."Ruth is very worried about Frank's involvement in the complicated triangle relationship but she can do nothing since it's Frank's choice. It has been peaceful for a few weeks during which Frank enjoys spending all his time with Natalie and her kids after his part-time work."Matt also shows his concern and passes on Ruth's worry to their son who seldom comes home after the unhappy incident. Frank simply does not like his mother's questioning, which actually implies disapproval of his love affair. One day, Frank is designing an architecture for a company when Natalie's son Jason phones him asking for help. Frank dashes to their house, only to find everything there in a mess and Natalie comforting the scared kids."It was Richard again."Frank suggests that Natalie phone the police immediately to stop Richard assaulting her, but she is reluctant to do so since the presence of the police will surely frighten the kids. Just as they are discussing how to deal with the matter, Richard reappears outside the house threatening to break in."Frank locks up the front door and windows and lets Natalie take the kids upstairs."Failing to open the front door, Richard gets in from the back door and attempts to get upstairs for Natalie."Frank tries to stop him and the two are in a fierce struggle."Hearing the noise, Natalie runs downstairs to stop their fight."Before she reaches the sitting room, a shot is fired."What comes in sight is Frank with blood all over his face. He is gunned down by Richard. Frank's death is like a bolt from the blue<注6> to the Fowlers."After the funeral, the old couple become increasingly silent, both being engrossed in the loss of their beloved son."However, due to Richard Strout's family influence in the community and Natalie's testimony<注7> of not personallyshavingswitnessed the murder, Richard is bailed out<注8> and waits to be tried later, to the old couple's surprise. The Fowlers go to the attorney in charge of the case and they are told that the case might be treated as manslaughter<注9> instead of murder if there's no eyewitness on the scene of "accident"and Richard might get only a maximum of 15-year imprisonment. Matt goes to see Natalie, now working at a fast food restaurant, but she says little and seems reluctant to help since her testimony will decide the life and death of Richard."Perhaps she's afraid of him and his family influence. It seems that the Fowlers can do nothing but wait for the trial. As time goes by, the Fowlers are gradually recovering from their pain with the help and comfort of their friends. However, Ruth keeps runningsintosRichard downtown and in the market as he is on bail and has to stay in town until the trial. That makes Ruth very angry since it constantly brings back memories of Frank's tragic death. What is worse, Richard might be locked up for only 15 years at maximum if Frank's death proves to be an "accident"in a struggle between the two men." Feeling guilty, Natalie comes to Ruth for forgiveness, but Ruth slaps her on the face. Coming back home, Ruth still cannot control her anger and she blames Matt forshavingsencouraged Frank's love affair with Natalie. Matt also loses his temper and criticizes Ruth forshavingsbeen too harsh on Frank, which resulted in Frank's seeking love and care from a lenient<注l0> woman like Natalie."Afterwards, they apologize to each other, realizing the real causes of their anger "their only beloved sonshavingsbeen murdered but the murderer getting away with<注l1> it." Matt talks to his best friend Willis Grinnel who also hates Richard for nevershavingsbeen punished for his other wicked deeds, including indirectly causing the death of a woman's husband."He suggests that Matt and Ruth move to somewhere else to avoid seeing Richard, the pain in the neck<注l2>."But Matt says that he and Ruth can never lead a normal life and put Frank's death behind them with the murderer unpunished. Then Willis tells Matt that Richard manages a bar at the other end of the townswhereshe fools around with women and closes up very late at night. Matt and Willis decide to take revenge on Richard. Coming out of his bar and seeing off the last customer, Richard is surprised to see Matt pointing a gun at him. They go to Richard's place and pack some summer clothessintosRichard's suitcase. Before leaving, Matt puts an air ticket for Florida on the desk and orders Richard to drive northward instead of southwardswheresthe airport is."When they drivesintosthe middle of a forest, Matt tells Richard to pull over. He shoots Richard dead and buries the body and luggage in the deep forest with the help of Willis. Coming back home, Matt finds Ruth still awake."She asks Matt, Did you do it" Matt does not say anything. It is soon dawn. A new day begins in the quiet and beautiful little town. |
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意外边缘 |
Excerpts The Fowlers Talk to Their Lawyer about Richard's Bail and Tria<注l> Ruth: I thought you said there'll be a jury trial1 sometime in October.Lawyer: If he was incarcerated<注2>, the judge would have set an October court date, basically to save the county the cost of housing and feeding him as an inmate. But with bail, unfortunately, the court date is always later. Ruth:"You mean there's nothing we can do about this" You let that bastard walk out, and we're supposed to just sit here" Lawyer: We can't appeal bail<注3>. It's just not set up that way. The state's bail code<注4> is to ensure future court appearances. Now in this case, Strout's family was prepared to put up a substantial amount of property as bail. That, along with his ties to the community, made it very hard for us to convince the judge that there was a serious risk of flight."Now, you can file a civil suit. I recommend it."But not now."Wait until after the criminal trial. Ruth:"And when will that be" Lawyer: Well, honestly, could be anywhere from 12 to 18 months. Ruth:"Oh, my God. Matt: You're confident you can put him away for good<注5> then, right" (Silence from the lawyer) Ruth:"The things she (Natalie) said in there."What's the damage" Lawyer: The way this is going, potentially manslaughter. Ruth: Jesus Christ!"He killed our son! He... It was no accident! Matt: Ruth, Ruth, Ruth."How long will he be sent away for" Lawyer: Well, that's hard to say, really."Anywhere from 5 to 15 years."But we're confident that we'll get the maximum."So even with good behavior, he'll do 10 full years. Ruth:"10 years!"Are you out of your mind"! Lawyer: Dr. Fowler, Mrs. Fowler, I'm sorry."I understand. Ruth: No, you don't. 1. jury trial:配备陪审团的审理(通常是重大案件)。 2. incarcerated:拘禁。 3. appeal bail:上诉(要求不给被告)保释。 4. bail code:有关保释的法律规定。 5. put him away for good:判他终身监禁。 |
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