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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 发生在美国餐厅里的“爱国主义”

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/18 10:03  北京青年报

  As today's short article reveals, some funny things have been happening in the US of late: French fries and French toast have been renamed "freedom fries" and "freedom toast" in Congres-sional restaurants. Many Americans, whatever their attitude toward French and German criticism of President Bush's Iraq policy, scoff at this sort of silliness, as David Horsey's cartoon demonstrates.

  Two "regular guys" are examining the menu of a typical American restaurant. The one on the left with the crewcut is the sort of fellow who would be a devoted fan of Rush Limbaugh, the best known of America's many right-wing radio commentators. The one on the right, with his sideburns and T-shirt and flag-bearing baseball hat, has a distinctly working-class look. If we view these men in stereotypical terms (as Horsey intends), we guess that neither is a great admirer of France even at the best of times. Here they are annoyed to find that the menu in their local eatery is loaded with dishes labeled French or German. In the loudly expressed opinion of Mr Baseball Hat, the wait-resses are "coddling Saddam".

  The waitress with dark hair moves reluctantlysintosaction. Perhaps she can get the loudmouthed duo, whom she nicknames "Bush and Cheney", to pipe down by giving them some more coffee on the house.①In the background, meanwhile, there is more to condemn: the lunchtime special is "French dip sandwiches" (a thick layer of thinly sliced roast beef on②a small loaf of French bread that one dips in a bowl of light beef gravy). And the very name of the restaurant is the "CaféUSA" - gallingly Gallic!









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