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动漫迷的角色扮演 万圣节化妆大会
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/18 13:09  空中美语




  It's months until Halloween, yet some people are already playing dress-up. These die-hard fans of anime and manga aren't putting on their costumes for treats, though, but for the fun of a hobby called cosplay. Cosplay—short for“costume play”—originated in Japan as a unique way for young people to express their appreciation of their favorite anime characters. From Tokyo to Tacoma, cosplayers strut their stuff at role-playing parties, cosplay shows and anime conventions.

  Acting out a character's nature is part of the fun of cosplay. American cosplayers tend to display their character's personality only while on stage or during skits, but Japanese cosplayers are more outgoing. Normally shy Japanese girls take on the attitudes of sexy, powerful stars, and reserved boys become demi-gods and immortals. Cosplayers love this aspect of their hobby most: The freedom to escape their everyday selves when they put on their one-of-a-kind costumes.

  More Information仅供参考,不须强记

  1. die-hard adj.顽固的;死硬派的

  2. anime n.日本“卡通”(外来语,相当于animation)

  3. manga n.日本“漫画”(外来语,相当于comics)

  4. strut v.昂首阔步地走

  5. convention n.大会

  6. skit n.短剧;幽默小品

动漫迷的角色扮演 万圣节化妆大会



英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. costume

n. clothes worn to make sb. look like sb./sth. else 服装;装束
Every year at the Venice Carnival, tourists and locals put on costumes and have a party in the streets.

2. hobby

n. sth. done for fun in one's free time 爱好
Many people feel that playing video games on the Internet is an unhealthy hobby.

3. originate

v. to start 起源;发生
The tradition of eating turkey for Thanksgiving originated in America.

4. act out

v. phr. to copy a story and its characters in real life 演出;扮演
To express his love for Marcia, Bob acted out the balcony scene from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

5. outgoing

adj. friendly; finding pleasure in meeting people 外向的
Doris was an outgoing girl. When her family moved to Shanghai, she made new friends within a week.


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