托福考试语法易错题及错误统计精汇 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/19 10:56 太傻网 |
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我们在总结近五年亚洲与北美托福考试语法部分试题的基础上,为同学总结出错误率在60%以下的易错难题汇编,希望大家能汲取常见错误原因,从而有效地跳开托福考试中的出题陷阱. 1.[Melting] glaciers may [account the] rise [in sea level] that [has taken place] honing this century. 答对率:50% 答案:b 2.Anthropologist jane Goodall [has contributed] a [wealth information] concerning primate behavior [through] her [studies] of chimpanzees. 答对率:46% 答案:b 3.The [discovery] of gold in 1848 [transformed] San Francisco suddenly from a [quiet] portsintosone of the world's richest and most famous [city]. 答对率:44% 答案: d 4.Allan Pinkerton,[founder] of [the famous] detective agency that bears [him] name,directed a Civil War espionage system [behind] Confederate lines. 答对率:38% 答案:c 5.The city of Kalamazoo, Michigan,derives its name from a Native American word....."bubbling springs." A.meant B.meaning C.that is meant D.whose meaning 答对率:46% 答案:b 6.Salt is manufactured in quantities that exceed those of most,.......,other commercial chemicals. A.of an not B.not if an are C.are not an D.if not an 答对率:49% 答案: d 7.Contemporary film directors,some of [them] write the scripts for,act in,and [even] produce their own [motion] pictures, are [thereby assuming] ever more control of their art. 答对率:43% 答案:a 8.Petroleum [it is] composed [of] a complex[mixture] of hydrogen and [carbon]. 答对率:31% 答案:a 9.The air inside a house or office building often has higher concentrations of contaminants ....... heavily polluted outside air. A.than does B.more C.as some that are D.like of 答对率:50% 答案:a 10.Emily Dickinson's garden was a place...... great inspiration for her poems. A.that she drew B.by drawing her C.from which she drew D.drawn from which 答对率:50% 答案:c 11.In the United States [among] 60 percent [of the space] on the pages of newspapers [is reserved] for [advertising]. 答对率:47% 答案:a 12.Scientists believe that by [altering] the genetic composition of plants it is possible to develop specimens that are [resisting] to [disease] and have [increased] food value. 答对率:50% 答案:b 13.The American anarchist Emma goldman infused her spirited lectures,[publishes],and demonstration [with a] passionate [belief] in the freedom of [the] individual. 答对率:36% 答案:a 14.[Being] the biggest expanse of brackish water [in the] world,the Baltic Sea [is of] special [interesting] to scientists. 答对率:44% 答案:d 15.While studying the [chemistry] [of human body],Dr.Rosalyn Yalow won a Nobel Prize for the research she [conducted on] the [role of] hormones. 答对率:37% 答案:b 16.The early railroads were........the existing arteries of transportation: roads,turnpikes, canals,and other waterways. A.those short lines connected B.short lines that connected C.connected by short lines D.short connecting lines 答对率:50% 答案:b 17.During the flood of 1927,the Red Cross,......out of emergency headquarters in Mississippi,set up temporary shelters for the homeless. A.operates B.is operating C.has operated D.operating 答对率:44% 答案:d 18.Minoru Yamasaki is an American architect [which] works [departed from] the austerity [frequently] associated [with] architecture in the United States after the Second World War. 答对率:37% 答案:a 19.Jane Addams.social worker,authoe,and [spokeswoman] for the peace and women's suffrage [movements],[she received] the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 for her [humanitarian] achievements. 答对率:50% 答案:c 20.Bromyrite crystals [have] a diamond-like luster and are usually [colorless],but they [dard] to brown when [exposed] to light. 答对率:44% 答案:c 21.Ice is less [denser] [than] the liquid [from which] [it] is formed. 答对率:50% 答案:a 22.James Baldwin's plays and short stories,[which are] to [some degree] autobiographical,established [them] as a [leading] figure in the United States civil rights movement. 答对率:43% 答案:c 23.Thunder can be [listened] from a [maximum] distance of about ten miles [except] under [unusual] atmospheric conditions. 答对率:35% 答案:a 24.The quantum theory states.....,such as light, is given off and absorbed in tiny definite units called quanta or photons. A.energy that B.that it is energy C.it is energy D.that energy 答对率:50% 答案:d 25.Geysers are round near rivers and lakes,swhereswater drains through the soil......... A.surface below the deep B.deep below the surface C.the deep below surface D.the deep surface below 答对率:50% 答案:b 26.Although [he is] employed in the scientific and [technical] fields,the metric [system] is not generally [utilized] in the United States. 答对率:46% 答案:a 27.[Beneath] the deep oceans that [cover] two-thirds of the Earth, intriguing [secret] of the planet are [concealed]. 答对率:43% 答案:c 28.The pioneer John Chapman [received] the nickname "johnny Appleseed" because he [planted] apple seedlings during [him travels] in [what] are now Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. 答对率:50% 答案:c 29.On March 1,1867,......to the Union when President Andrew Johnson's veto was overridden. A.since the state of Nebraska had been admitted B.admitted that the state of Mebraska C.the admission of the state of Nebraska D.the state of Nebraska was admitted 答对率:50% 答案:d 30.The best known of all the Arctic birds,........ A.birdwatchers favor ptarmigans B.being ptarmigans' and birdwatchers' favorites C.favored by both ptarmigans and birdwatchers D.ptarmigans are a favorite of birdwatchers 答对率:47% 答案:d 通过对这30道错误率极高的toefl语法题分析可看出,名词词组与动名词、词的顺序、动词单复数---主谓一致 、动词短语及用法 、形容词修饰等知识点较多,容易忽视或混淆的地方。熟悉难题,透过它们找到命题的难点,方能有的放矢,攻取满分! |
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