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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 美式爱国:法国薯条改名自由薯条

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/21 10:28  北京青年报

  WASHINGTON(Reuters) - France's refusal to back a possible U.S.-led attack on Iraq triggered a verbal food fight on Tuesday in the restaurants of the US House of Representatives as "French fries" and "French toast" were replaced on menus by "freedom fries" and "freedom toast."

  "This action today is a small but symbolic effort to show the strong displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of our so-called ally, France," said House Administration Committee chairman Bob Ney, an Ohio Republican, himself of French descent. Ney's panel is in charge of the House's administrative needs. He took the action at the suggestion of Rep.Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican.

  "I am grateful to Mr Ney for standing with me today as we publicly declare our sup-port for our nation's troops and our sincere disappointment in our old friends, the French," Jones said.

华盛顿:法国拒绝支持可能发生的由美国领导的对伊拉克的战争于周二在美国国会众议院餐厅引发了食品名称战,菜单上的"法国薯条"和"法国面包"已经换成了"自由薯条"和"自由面包"。 "今天的举动很小,但具有象征性,它说明国会山里的很多人对我们所谓的盟友法国的所为强烈不满",国会管理委员会主席鲍勃-内说,他是俄亥俄州的共和党人,法国人的后裔。内先生的部门负责国会众院行政管理方面的事务。他这样做是听了北卡罗来纳州的共和党议员沃尔特-琼斯的建议。 "在我们公开声明我们支持我们国家的军队以及表达对我们的老朋友法国人由衷失望的时候,我很感谢内先生今天和我站在一起",琼斯说道。

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