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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/25 09:54  世博英语

  Allied Forces Advance Halfway to Baghdad


  【注释】halfway,“半途的,中间的”,还可以表示“不彻底地,小部分地”:These government measures only go halfway towards solving the problem.政府的这些措施不能彻底解决这个问题。有关这个词一个有趣的用法是halfway house,意为“介乎两者之间的东西”:It's not really a history and it's not really a guidebook–it's a sort of halfway house.它不是一本真正的历史书,也不是一本真正的指导手册,而是介乎两者之间的东西。

  HIGHWAY 80 IN SOUTHERN IRAQ - Allied forces crossed the Euphrates River and were halfway to Baghdad on Saturday, their swift advance unimpeded by lingering resistance in the cities of Basra and Umm Qasr. The biggest hurdle: moving the massive military machine across the desert.


  【注释】unimpede,是impede“阻挡”的否定形式,impede的近义词有hinder, block, bar, obstruct等。

  Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said forces had moved 150 milessintosIraqi territory. "The forces have moved with impressive speed thus far," he said.


  【注释】Maj. Gen.是Major General“陆军少校”的缩写。chief of staff,“参谋长”。

  In the southern city of Basra, they faced artillery and machine-gun fire. So rather than risk a bloody urban battlefield in a city of 2 million, the allies took what they needed—an airport and a bridge—and moved on, leaving British forces behind.


  【注释】artillery,“大炮,火炮”,也可用gun,炮兵阵地是battery, artillery position,或gun emplacement。用炮火打击敌方可以称为诸如bombard, shell, strike, cannonade, barrage等等。

  "This is about liberation, not occupation," Gen. Tommy Franks said.


  Skirmishes—sometimes with stiff resistance—took place at the front end of the advance. Iraqi state television reported fighting between Iraqi ruling Baath party militias and U.S.-British forces near the Shiite holy city of Najaf, 95 miles south of Baghdad. It said the top Baath party official in Najaf was killed.


  【注释】skirmish,“小规模的冲突、战斗”,也可以用于比喻义:There was a short skirmish between the political party leaders when the government announced it was to raise taxes.在政府宣布将要增加税收时各当派领导人间发生了短暂的争吵。与之意思相近的还有encounter,“遭遇战”。

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