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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 中国周刊(2002年10月号) > Have business in China

Have business in China
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/27 12:46  中国周刊

  Since we set up a new column called Law Service in last volume, we received several inquiring letters form the readers. Owing to the limited place, we can only list some of them this time. All the questions are answered by lawyers of Jingtai Law Office

  Question 1:

  I'm the owner of a large corporation from America. Insgroupsto open the Chinese market, I want to establish a representative office in Beijing. Could you tell me what documents are needed?


  The documents as follows are needed:

  1. An application signed by the chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the foreign enterprise;

  2. Legal document sanctioning the operation of the enterprise;

  3. Credibility Letter issued by the bankswheresthe enterprise has opened its bank account;

  4. Letter of Appointment signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or the General Manager of the enterprise for appointing the chief representative;

  5) Curriculum vatae of the (chief) representative.

  6) Some other documents.

  Question 2:

  I'm a businessman from America. I would like to invest in China. What documents shall I get prepared for beforehand regarding the establishment of a Wholly-Owned Foreign Enterprise?


  The following documents are needed:

  1. Application Report;

  2. Feasibility Study Report;

  3. Documents identifying the registered address (including Ownership Certificate of the premises and its related Lease Agreement);

  4. Business Licence of the foreign party and its identification card;

  5. Credibility Letter for the foreign party;

  6. Articles of Association;

  7. Name list of the members of the Board of Directors;

  8. Letter of Appointment for the members of the Board of Directors;

  9.Articles of Association and Application for Constitution of the Members of the Board of Directors;

  10. And other documents.

  Question 3:

  Our corporation will establish a representative office in China next month. As the foreign chief representative, I'm anxious to know how to obtain the Visa and Residence Certificate. What kind of documents shall I provide and what procedures shall I go through?


  You should provide the documents as follows:

  1. An Application for obtaining visas for the Foreign Employees issued by the foreign representative office;

  2. Working Certificate;

  3. Certificate of Employment;

  4. Registration Certificate;

  5. Passports of the foreign employees;

  6. Certificate of physical examination issued by Sanitation Inspection Bureau;

  7. And other documents.

  Question 4:

  I own 25 per cent of the shares of a famous manufacturing corporation. For some reason, I have to transfer some of my shares. But I don誸know how to handle it and what the essential documents are. I誨appreciate it if you could give me an answer.


  The essential documents include:

  1.An Application for Assignment of the shares by investors;

  2.The Amendment Agreements to the Contract and Articles of Association;

  3.Copies of the Approval Certificate and Business License of the enterprise;

  4.Resolution made by the Board of Directors with respect to the assignment by the investors of the shares;

  5.Name list of the new members of the Board of Directors after the assignment of the shares;

  6.Transfer Agreement in writing signed by the assignor and the assignee after signature or approval by other investors related;

  7.Some other documents.

  If you need other legal services, please contact us or Beijing Jingtai Law Office.

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