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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > HK exports grow at 5 months low

HK exports grow at 5 months low
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/28 11:30  Shanghai Daily

  Hong Kong's exports grew at their slowest pace in five months in February as concern over the US war with Iraq curbed corporate investment and spending worldwide.

  Overseas sales rose 10 percent to HK billion (US.4 billion), the government said. That was the slowest pace since September. In January, exports surged 27 percent, the fastest growth in nine years.

  "Exports have been performing quite strongly in the past few months because of the link with the mainland," said Tai Hui, an economist at Standard Chartered Bank.

  "If the war drags on, that would have a negative impact on the global economy, hence Hong Kong's export growth."

  The outbreak of the US-Iraq war prompted Hong Kong's Trade Development Council to cut its export growth forecast for the year to 4 percent from 4.5 percent. Flagging exports may slow growth in an economy the government predicts will expand 3 percent this year.

  About 90 percent of the city's exported goods are made elsewhere, mostly in the Chinese mainland, and shipped through Hong Kong on their way to buyers.

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