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This Dating Stuff Is a Piece of Cake
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/28 13:42  《英语学习》

  My first car was a baby blue Chevy convertible.<注1> It was only three years old when I bought it, and I thought I was hot stuff, driving around with the top down, looking to see who was looking at me.<注2>

  For a long time I've had my eye on Karen.<注3> My shyness, though, had kept me from saying much more than hi to her.<注4> But owning that convertible seemed to give me courage, so I asked her to go to the drive-in<注5> with me. She said yes!

  It was my first date.

  When the big<注6> night arrived, I was nervous. Very! I ironed<注7> my shirt. Twice. I dressed carefully, checking and rechecking<注8> my wallet to make sure I had my money. Finally, I picked up<注9> Karen and we headed for the drive-in.

  The night was shaping up to be the perfect date.<注10> Karen wore a pale blue dress that almost matched my car. Her blond hair blew in the wind as we wound through the streets of Jackson, Michigan. I felt powerful. Confident. This dating stuff is a piece of cake,<注11> I thought, as we pulledsintosour place at the drive-in. Slowly the sky darkened and soon the movie began. Karen stretched out her long legs and leaned back in the seat to watch. I began to think that maybe just maybe I would reach over and take her hand.<注12>

  By the middle of the movie I was still trying to figure just how to do that. I'm thirsty, Karen said suddenly.

  I'll get us something! I said, almost leaping out of the car.<注13> I wound through the dark rows to the concession stand thinking, I'll show her that I'm no cheapskate. So I bought Cokes and popcorn and M&Ms. My arms loaded with the goodies, I turned to head back to my car.<注14>

  And that's when I realized...I had no ideaswheresmy car was! A sea of automobiles surrounded me.<注15> In the dark, they all looked alike. I couldn't even remember which direction I've come from!<注16> So I began walking around looking for a baby blue Chevy convertible. Aisle after aisle. Dead end after dead end.<注17>Then...could it be? Yes! I headed for the blue convertible, hoping the Cokes weren't too warm or the popcorn too cold for Karen's liking.<注18> I flung open the door of the car only to discover a couple engaged in some serious necking in the back seat.<注19> The good news is it wasn't Karen. The bad news is it wasn't my car. sorry, I muttered, spilling popcorn as I banged the door shut.<注20>

  Finally, after bumping about in the dark so long that I ate the popcorn myself and downed both Cokes, I found the car.<注21> Karen glanced over at me, her eyes icy<注22>. there's my drink? she asked.

  I tossed<注23> her the M&Ms. this is all they had.

  I slidsintosmy seat,<注24> and we watched the rest of the movie in silence. (Actually, the credits were rolling by that time.<注25>)

  I never went out with Karen again, although one time she did ask to borrow my car. (I said no.) And the next time I took a date to the drive-in, I took an extra pack of M&Ms with me...and dropped them all the way to the concession stand, just so I could find my way back.


  1.我的第一辆车是辆淡蓝色的雪佛莱敞篷。baby blue:婴儿蓝(一种柔和的浅蓝)。convertible:敞篷汽车。

  2.我买这车时,它的车龄只有三年,所以我觉得自己很威风,放下车篷四处兜风,看看谁在注视我。hot stuff: <口>了不起的人。

  3.很久以来,我一直暗恋着卡伦。have one's eye on:看中,想要得到。


  5. drive-in: <主美>(顾客无需下车即可得到服务的)“免下车”剧场(或餐馆、银行、邮局等)。

  6. big:重大的。

  7. iron:熨,烫。

  8. recheck:重新检查。

  9. pick up:把……载上车。

  10.那晚看来会是个完美的约会。shape up: <口>进展良好。

  11.约会简直就是小菜一碟。a piece of cake: <口>容易(或轻松愉快)的事情。



  14.我绕过黑乎乎的一排排车到了货摊,心想,我不能让她觉得我是个吝啬鬼。我买了可乐、爆米花和M&M豆。我抱着满满一兜好吃的,转身往自己的车返回。wind:曲折而行;concession: <美>租地营业商摊;cheapskate: <美口>吝啬鬼(尤指逃避付费的人);goodie: <口>好吃的东西。



  17.一排接着一排,一条死路接着一条死路。aisle/ail/:过道;dead end:死路。


  19.我猛地打开车门——不料发现一对恋人正在后座上沉醉在亲吻中。fling:(用力地)扔;only:不料,结果却;necking: <美口>搂脖子亲嘴。



  22. icy:冷冰冰的。

  23. toss:扔,抛。



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