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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Phantom to play in the city

Phantom to play in the city
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/31 11:33  Shanghai Daily

  Yet another Andrew Lloyd Webber musical looks set to arrive in Shanghai, as London-based Really Usefulsgroupssigned a memorandum with Shanghai Grand Theater to produce "The Phantom of the Opera" next year.

  "Les Miserables" was the first Western musical to be staged in full-length in the city last year, kicking off a trend that has seen Webber's "Cats" open recently to packed houses.

  Next year's production will be in English, but the memorandum also calls for Really Useful, the theater and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, which set up a musical major last year, to co-produce a Chinese version of Phantom in 2005."In Japan, the Japanese version of 'Cats' and 'The Phantom of the Opera' are well received," said Zhang Xiaoding, a spokesperson of the Shanghai Grand Theater.

  "After some professional training, Shanghai too can have its own musical talents," Zhang added.

  Tim Mcfarlane, Really Useful's president for the Asia-Pacific region says he believes Shanghai will eventually become a center for musical similar to London, New York and Sydney.

  The company and the theater are also working on plans to stage Richard Rodger's "The Sound of Music."

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