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The First Close Touch/第一次接触
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/31 13:45  厦门日报

  On March 20, the Letuyi Bar(乐土驿酒吧) was really a happy place. The English Corner, organized by Xiamen Daily and www.marryday.com.cn, took place here.

  Approximately 58 English language learners came. Among them there were two foreign friends, one was from France, the other from Australia. All the people were very active and eager to speak. People were dividedsintosseveral groups and changed their seats from time to time. They were talking on various topics.

  One lady called Xiaoyan was very nervous at first. She told me that she was a court judge and hadn't used English for nearly 10 years. Since she read the“Common Talk”in Xiamen Daily, she couldn't help falling in love with it and began to study English everyday. She was encouraged by her husband to join this corner to get oral practice. She said she would come next time.

  It was getting late, but all the speakers were still eagerly talking on. They had become friends. All of them were concerned if the corner would continue next week, the answer is“yes”! The corner will be held every week. So let's wait for.

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