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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 愚人节提示:见到钞票也不捡

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/01 09:50  世博英语

  本课您将学到:pick up一词多意,turn into变化多,among和between比较讲解

  If it is the morning of April 1 and you see some money on the ground, perhaps you should think twice before you pick it up. It might have been glued(粘) there by someone keen(热心的,热衷的) to turn yousintosan“April fool”.


  The Roman Catholic Church decided that the calendar year in Europe would begin on January 1, instead of the original(最初的) date of April 1. Some people were slow to accept(接受) the new rule, and others called them ignorant(无知的) or stubborn(顽固的). They became the first April fools.

  而在这一天捉弄人的传统可能起源于法国,在那里,“受害者”被称作April fish,也许跟春天刚出生的小鱼容易被捕捉有关吧!

  Nowadays, it is still a custom among French children to tie paper fish to each other’s backs(后背) on April 1.


  如果四月一日的早晨你看到地上有钞票,(If it is the morning of April 1 and you see some money on the ground)捡之前一定要三思。(perhaps you should think twice before you pick it up)否则你可能就成了一个“April fool”,因为那可能是什么人贴在那儿,然后躲在一边急切的期待着你的行动。

  pick up在这里指“拾起”,而在这句话中You should pick up the tools after work.它的意思可不是叫你捡起地上的工具,而是“工作结束后应该把工具收拾好”,也就是说pick up还可以表示“收拾”的意思。在口语中,pick up可就变成一个很暧昧的词,试体会下面这句话:

  We picked up a couple of girls at the pub last Friday.


  pick up的意思是“与...偶然结识(常指与异性调情)”

  turn into是“使变成”的意思,可以指事物真的起了变化,如:They are turning waste landsintospaddy fields.他们正在使荒地变为稻田。也可以指比喻意,如一则新闻的标题这样写道States TurnsintosSuper Tax Sleuths, Seeking Cheats in Heaps of Records(国务院化身侦探,在堆积如山的文件中寻找漏洞)

  Roman Catholic Church(罗马天主教会)是中世纪欧洲最具权威的机构,他们的决定就相当于中国古代皇帝的圣旨,在他们的主持下,1月1日代替了原来的4月1日(instead of the original date of April 1)成为了一年的开始。一些人一时无法适应这个新规定,还在4月1日过节,就被人称为无知或固执。他们就是第一批“四月愚人”。





  如:Tom has always been popular among his classmates.汤姆在同学中一直很受欢迎。

  They planted a lot of trees between the two buildings.他们在两座建筑物之间栽了许多树。

  可是,当我们的阅读两逐渐积累,会发现这样的句子也是很常见的:The U.S. Senate will vote on ratification of the treaty between the eight countries.(参议院将会投票批准八国条约。)为什么这里要用between,而不是among呢?



  Nancy is a real butterfly; look at her behavior between the five guys.




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