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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/03 14:24  新浪教育

  Anti-War Demonstrations Cause Mayhem


  The start of war in Iraq triggered one of the heaviest days of anti-government protesting in years, leading to thousands of arrests across the United States and prompting counter-demonstrations.


  In San Francisco, police wearing helmets and carrying nightsticks arrested more than 1,300 people Thursday as a shifting mass of thousands of anti-war protesters commandeered the streets and paralyzed the evening commute.


  Traffic was snarled in cities from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., as anti-war protesters blocked off major intersections, some chaining themselves together. Scores of high school and college students walked out of class. In all, more than 1,800 people were arrested.


  "The United States is acting in a completely aggressive way," said Howard Lisnoff, who donned a rubber President Bush mask at a protest in Providence, R.I. and held a sign reading "War Criminal."

  在美国罗得岛州的普罗维登斯举行的游行中,一名叫Howard Lisnoff的示威群众说"美国现在的行为实在是太霸道了",他头戴有印着Bush总统的橡胶头套,上面写着"战争罪犯"。

  The anti-war groundswell brought out thousands of counter demonstrators, including 2,000 who gathered outside the state Capitol in Mississippi.


  Marlena Puckett, who is engaged to a Marine in the war zone, fought back tears as she watched people waving American flags and carrying handmade signs with slogans like "God bless our troops"

  一位其未婚夫正在伊拉克执行任务的市民,Marlena Puckett,双眼饱含泪水看着示威的人群高举着美国国旗和自制的"上帝保佑我们的军队"之类的示威牌。

  One protester died after tumbling from the Golden Gate Bridge. Authorities were investigating the death as a possible suicide.


  About 1,000 protesters remained on San Francisco's downtown streets late Thursday, vowing to shut down the city.


  "I like the idea of shutting down commerce and the city to counteract Bush's economic motives for this war," said Eric Anholt, 19

  19岁的Eric Anholt说,"我认为这种想法很好,把城市的商业瘫痪,来抵消布什的战争刺激经济的动机。"

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