TOEFL考试听力习惯用语补充小总结 | 2003/04/07 10:46 寄托天下 |
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下面是一个朋友对听力习语的补充总结,结合听力笔记,应该有些效果。 电影 aisle seat--过道旁的座位 go to the movies/go to a movie(冠词不可少) row--排 音乐 receive a standing ovation 成语 like peas and carrots--形影不离 I'll miss you twenty-four seven.(24 hours and 7 day) Break one's leg--大获全胜 With flying colors--大获全胜 Leave sth. well alone/leave it at that不要画蛇添足 人际 gang up on sth.联合起来对付某人 --They always gang up on me. Quite a person = somebody--是个人物Come to the point--进入正题 Gild the lily.--多此一举 Get out of the wrong side of the bed.--发脾气 Go to bed with chickens--规律地睡眠 Since you make your bed, you must lie on it. --= take one's medicine--自食其果 have a word with sb. about sth.--讨论问题 have words with sb. about sth. --吵架 I'd never get enough of it.--玩不够 I've got enough of it.--受够了 Don't get me wrong.--别误会我 Don't get on my nerve.--别惹我心烦 What a nerve--真不要脸 I don't have a nerve(heart).--没有勇气 Spend money like water. Head over heels in love with sb.--拜倒在… --A good life is imspired by love and guided by knowledge. I was born in a dradon year.出生在龙年 请客 this is my treat. Let me treat you to sth. Let me pay the bill. The bill is on me. Go dutch--aa制 Spilt the check. 健忘 going one ear and out of the other. Have a short(poor) memory. Have a memory like a sieve. Ins and outs= details--细节 Ups and downs--生活中的起伏和波折 Odds and ends--鸡毛蒜皮的小事 对话中的肯定 And how. By all means. Go ahead. How right you are. I am behind you. I am for it. I am with you. I don't wonder. No abjection. No wonder. Right on. Small wonder. So be it. Yes, indeed. 对话中的否定 How can we do that? How did she know? That's not saying very much. Who told you that. You don't say so. 语气词 oh,nuts=bother(他妈的) boy=man(好家伙,表示惊讶) my gosh=my god whoopee表示兴奋 DO的一些用法 do the bed----叠被子 do one's face--洗脸 do one's teeth--刷牙 do the washing--洗衣 do the cook--做饭 do the windows--擦窗 do the kitchen--收拾厨房 take的一些用法 take for granted takesintosaccount--仔细考虑 take my breath away--惊险的 take with a grain of salt take the plunge--采取步骤/尝试 take one's medicine--自食其果 take after --长的很像 各种费用 dues--俱乐部的会费 fare--车费 fee--费用的总称 fine--罚款 tip--小费 toll--过路过桥费--tollbooth收费站 tution--学费 break的用法 broke--a.没钱的 break up--分手 give sb. a break放一马 天气 1.好天气--fine/nice/mild/clear/seasonable 2.坏天气--harsh/severe 3.热天气--warm/hot/sweltering/scorching/muggy/sticky/close 4.冷天气--cold/chilly/freezingly/biting/icecold/icy 5.雾天气--foggy/smuggy/misty/hazy/cloudy/overcast ----It's covered gray coluds. 6.雨天气--drizzle/light rain/heavy rain/cloudburst/rainstorm/thouderstrom/shower ----It's pouring down. ----It's raining cats and dogs. ----It's a fine day for ducks. 7.雪天气--sleet/slight/blizzard/snowstorm 8.风--breezy/gusty/hurricane/flurry/cyclone/typhoon 9.冰雹--hail 餐馆 take one's order--上菜 a table for two两人桌 menu--菜单 recipe--菜谱 have a good taste on sth.--对…有品味 first come, first serve.--先来先服务 fit keep fit保持健康 as fit as fiddle fill fill in fill sb. in ons'sth.告诉某人某事 spare=extra spare parts--零部件 spare no effects不遗余力 笑 smile微笑 chuckle--吃吃的笑 giggle--傻笑 guffaw--狂笑 beam--微笑 simper--痴笑 grin--露齿笑 snigger titter smirk--假笑 burstsintoslaughter from ear to ear 穿着 appropriate得体--casual随意 formal situation: graduation ceremony, cocktail, presetation, wedding,etc.穿suit, jacket, tie. Informal situation: picnic, barbeque, cook-out 穿T-shirt, jeans, sweeter, sneaker get get at意思指的是 get around to找出时间作某事 get rid of get over痊愈、接受 get off on the ground落实 get off on the wrong foot.出师不利 put put away/up put out put up with容忍 put forward提出 stay put停留不走 put you through接通电话 putsintoseffect付诸实施 put one's shoulders on the wheel齐心协力作某事 put the cars before the house--本末倒置 put our heads together--集思广益 put one's heart and solesintossth. 商店 Does this shirt come in small/medium/large? --有小/中/大号的吗? Are you being served?有人照料您吗? 交通 the roads are clear. The traffic is light. 拥挤:heavy/stuck/blocked 成绩 grade/score/mark passing grade/falling grade--不及格 full marks/perfect grade--满分 graduate with honors--以优异成绩毕业 pass the exam with flying colors--以优异成绩通过考试 修理场景 drawer/window/door---stuck shutters---loose faucet---leaky sink---clogged/blocked stereo/type player---doesn't work refrigerator/washing machine---can't get parts for it technician/preparing person/maintenance crew/plumber track lose track of没有把握好... keep track of掌握好... at the right track方向正确 |
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