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Lesson Eight之习语篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/09 12:55  新浪教育
  VCU=Very Commonly Used 很常用

  SU=Sometimes Used 有时用

  RU=Rarely Used 不常用

  Retell the stories in English using the provided expressions, and then paraphrase the highlighted idioms:
  1. catch someone red-handed: VCU

  -我最后在当地的超市里做收款员的时候 (job, check-out person),我总是白吃店里的零食(snacks, pay)。One day经理看见我把一包土豆片 (chips) 放进我的兜里and这下一切都完了 (end):她把我解雇了 (fire)。

  -你活该(serve sb. well)。当你被当场抓住 (be caught red-handed),的时候,凭你怎么解释都没用了 (excuse, save)。

  -Yes,很明显 (obvious) that我是想偷点儿东西and我对我所做的也没什么好解释的。我的确得到了一个深刻的教训 (sure, lesson)。

  2. walk on eggs/eggshells: VCU

  -你父母现在怎么样 (do)?自从他们离婚之后我就没有再见过他们 (since, get divorced)。

  -They're doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances.我一年大部分时间是和我妈住在一起,and then夏天和我爸住。But whenever我们三个聚在一起,it's like我们都战战兢兢的 (walk on eggshells)。他们俩面对对方都很紧张,很不自在 (uncomfortable, around each other) and说话很小心谨慎(cautious, say)。他们都不想让对方生气(make)。

  -Well,离婚是一件很严肃的事,它一定是一种很微妙的关系 (must, delicate, indeed )。

  3. throw a party (for someone): VCU




  -Well,在他们离开之前,我们definitely得给他们开个派对 (throw a party )

  -Definitely!Maybe我们可以在Washington Street上的那个Mark最喜欢的酒吧 (bar) 里开派对。那里的东西也很好吃 (food)。

  4. have mixed feelings (about someone or something): VCU

  -我还 (still) 不知道该怎么样看待 (think) 这个新经理。她一开始看上去还挺和善 (friendly, at first),but当我问她一个很简单的问题时,她看我的那冷冰冰的眼神 (give, cold look) 让我觉得和她相处不会那么容易(make, get along with)。But again,我还不是很确定 (sure)。

  -我完全 (totally) 理解你,我也是这么想的 (feel)。我对她捉摸不透 (have mixed feelings about someone)。On the one hand,我们谈得很愉快 (great) and她看上去也很不错,but ,on the other,我见过她对待邮递员 (mail delivery guy) 态度有多么恶劣 (treat )。我真的搞不懂 (know)。

  5. fat chance: VCU

  -看见刚进来 (walk in) 的那个漂亮的金发女郎 (blonde)了吗?我跟你打赌 (bet) 我能说动 (convince) 她和我一起喝一杯。

  -你真以为像她那样的漂亮女人会正眼瞧你(like, even),更何况 (much less) 和你喝酒?根本没戏(Fat chance)!你就是做梦也不可能实现的 (in your wildest dreams)!

  -如果你真的认为 (think) 我没有机会 (chance) 的话,你就等着瞧我是怎么讨女人欢心的吧 (be good with)。注意看着and跟我学。
  Guess the meaning of the highlighted expression from each context.
  1. live by one's wits: RU

  - Paul, how have you been? I haven't seen you since you decided to quit your job. What do you do now?

  - It hasn't been easy to start all over again. I've had to live by my wits, you know, picking up any jobs that came my way and trying to generate new clients through my old contacts.

  - I guess one has to take advantage of all one's talents insgroupsto survive a difficult situation.

  2. daylight robbery: RU

  - How much did you say? They charged you for a hamburger and a soda?! You have to be kidding!

  - No, that's exactly what I had to pay. And the hamburger wasn't anything special. It was quite small, in fact. I couldn't believe the prices at that restaurant either. Trying to charge such a huge amount of money for such small portions is nothing short of daylight robbery.

  3. put someone in the picture: SU

  - I hope you had a good journey. We are glad to have you back.

  - Thanks. It's good to be back. Now I have to catch up with you guys. So what's been going on whilst I was away? Tell me the news and help put me in the picture.

  - Well, a little bit of everything. Don't worry, Kylie will inform you of all the latest developments in a moment.
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  Lesson Eight之对话篇
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  Lesson Eight之抢答篇

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