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Lesson Nine之习语篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/11 13:02  新浪教育
  VCU=Very Commonly Used很常用

  SU=Sometimes Used有时用

  RU=Rarely Used不常用

  Retell the stories in English using the provided expressions, and then paraphrase the highlighted idioms:

  1. bark up the wrong tree: VCU

  - Come on, Mom!我所有的朋友都已经拿到练车许可证(driver'spermit)了。你就让我去驾校报名吧(sign up for)。

  - Honey,我知道得到驾照对你有多重要(much, license, mean),但是试着说服我那你可搞错对象了(bark up the wrong tree)。你知道你爸爸才是你要说服的人(really, need )。他觉得你现在开车还太小(too young)。

  - Come on, Mom!

  2. six of one and half a dozen of the other: VCU

  -我们走吧,honey.我们不能在这店里花上(spend)一整天来(try)决定给婴儿房(the baby's room)刷什么颜色的漆。我们随便选一种就行了(just)。

  -别这么急,dear。我们需要再看看几种(several more)颜色and比较一下。

  -还要看更多的颜色?所有这些各式各样的蓝颜色(shades of blue)对我来说都差不多( six of one and half a dozen of the other)。我的意思是"天蓝"(sky blue)和"淡蓝"(baby blue)根本就没什么区别。我们就选一个and回家算了。

  3. take it or leave it: VCU

  -你要是来城里玩,我非常乐意你来做客(love, guest, while)。but我的公寓很小and我只能提供一个小的长沙发(couch)给你睡。就看你结不接受了(take it or leave it)。

  -当然(of course)我会接受了。你的长沙发不会特别不舒服。Plus,和你住几天is all that matters to me。

  4. loud and clear: VCU

  -Mom,你不用总是提醒我(remind)睡觉前洗碗(dish)。你这是第三次说了。你第一次说我就听得清清楚楚,明明白白(loud and clear)。

  -Sorry, dear.我不知道(realize)你第一次就听见我说了。我不是想(mean)冲你大喊大叫的(yell)。

  5. dressed to kill: VCU


  -你看上去棒极了!我从没过见你穿得这么讲究(dress up),and你的发型(hair-do)和化妆(makeup)看上去好极了。你穿得真够招人的(be dressed to kill)。肯定是个很特殊的场合(occasion)。那个幸运的家伙是谁?

  -我要和Mike第二次约会(go on a date)。我觉得他挺不错的(guy) and我还不知道他是怎么看我的(think)。今晚我只是想留给他一个深刻的印象(impress )。

  Guess the meaning of the highlighted expression from each context.
  1. go through channels: SU

  - John, don't forget; you must apply for your permit soon.

  - Can I get the permit from the police office?

  - No, you must go through the correct channels and get it from the foreign ministry.

  - Then I will follow official procedure and meet representatives from the foreign ministry.

  2. bend someone's ear: SU

  I have this great business idea, and I was wondering if I could bend your ear for a while?

  Well, how much time will it take? I'm a bit busy right now. I don't have too much time to spare. Maybe we could do it later over a coffee?

  OK, but I'm really looking forward to talking to you about my idea. This is the one that's going to make me a million dollars, overnight.

  I've heard you say that before. You always have these crazy ideas. Anyway, why don't we meet tomorrow afternoon at 4: 00 for coffee. You've got it!

  3. chew the fat: SU

  What's your favorite way to pass time?

  Well, when I don't have anything to do, I love to relax and chew the fat with friends.

  What do you like to talk about?

  Oh, nothing so important.We talk about sports, movies, the weather, or whatever other topic comes to mind. I just loveshavingsa chat with people whose company that I enjoy.I see.

  Lesson Nine相关链接
  Lesson Nine之对话篇
  Lesson Nine之定义篇
  Lesson Nine之抢答篇

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