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Hot line helps cops fight crime
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/14 11:27  Shanghai Daily

  This year is the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the city's 110 police emergency call system, and local police said the system has contributed a lot to the city's security and vowed to improve it by establishing a wider network and faster response.

  Over the past 10 years, city police received more than 18.2 million calls, helping cops uncover more than 24,000 criminal cases, according to Zhao Jinyi of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau.

  Thanks to the hot line, more than 200,000 criminals were nabbed. Meanwhile, police also offered emergency help to 210,000 residents and dealt with more than 1.1 million traffic accidents.

  One of the exciting stories from the hot line was revealed recently.

  According to Zhao, an emergency call helped cops react quickly to frustrate an extortion attempt involving 8 million yuan (US,855), in which the criminal claimed he would use a plane to attack the city's Jin Mao Tower on September 13 in 2001 - just two days after the World Trade Center in New York was destroyed by terrorists.

  "The man directly called 110 and threatened the tower to get the money," said Zhao.

  Hot line operators were able to keep the man on the phone long enough to track the call to the city of Wuhu in Anhui Province. The man was still on the phone when police caught him.

  The scheme was later found to be a hoax, and police dis-covered the man had tried to use a similar scheme to extort 8 million yuan from officials in Shenzhen.

  "This is just one of the stories that illustrate the successful operation of the 110 emergency call system to fight against crime," said Zhao.

  In September 1997, police started to link local taxis with the system. Beginning in 2000, the city's book stalls, convenience stores, gas stations and supermarkets were joined to the 110 network to report emergencies and crime as quickly as possible, providing those working the night shift an increased sense of security.

  City police established a 110 mailbox and an Website in 1998 and 2001 respectively.

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