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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Frodo and Harry cause a DVD explosion!

Frodo and Harry cause a DVD explosion!
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/22 17:32  BBC短信英语

  Section A: Text of SMS

  1. English text:Frodo and Harry cause a DVD explosion!

  2. Chinese text:弗罗多和哈利引起了DVD销量的激增!

  Section B:


  3. English audio:Frodo and Harry cause a DVD explosion!

  Section C:


  4. English text:

  In the UK everyone's turning from videos to DVDs - and the films that people want are the two bestsellers, the latest Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. Awesome!

  5. Chinese translation:

  在英国人人都在放弃录相带改为看DVD光盘-而大家想看的是两套最畅销的电影-最新的Lord of the Rings (魔戒)和Harry Porter (哈利波特)。了不得!

  Section D: Glossary

  Frodo 弗罗多(FRODO BAGGINS)是《魔戒》中人物。

  Harry 哈利波特(HARRY POTTER)

  DVD explosion DVD 销售量激增

  Turning from 从一样东西改为另一样

  Bestsellers 最畅销的(DVD视频光盘)

  Awesome 令人敬畏,了不得!

  ©BBC and BBC Worldwide Ltd 2003
   TM©BBC 1996

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