Burger chain faces renewed obesity lawsuit |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/24 10:35 金羊网-新快报 |
McDonald's is facing a renewed lawsuit from asgroupsof New York teenagers claiming that the fast food giant was responsible for their obesity and ill health. The amended case was filed only a month after an earlier case from the same plaintiffs was thrown out. McDonald's called the new suit "senseless". |
麦当劳在美国再次被控致顾客肥胖 |
美国纽约一群体重超重的十几岁年轻人近日再次将麦当劳告上了法庭,称麦当劳出售的快餐食品是导致他们发胖和健康不佳的主要原因。这些年轻人上一次状告麦当劳是在一个月之前,但他们的诉讼被驳回。这一次麦当劳的回应仍然是“原告的起诉毫无意义”。 |
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