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Telecom fair on as usual
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/24 11:02  Shanghai Daily

  The city's largest annual telecom trade fair kicked off as scheduled yesterday with about 100 telecom equipment vendors, operators and handset makers trying to ward off SARS fears with their latest technologies, services and stylish gadgets.

  But the flu-like epidemic did make its presence as fewer visitors made it to the four-day P&T Comm China 2003 at INTEX Shanghai. The organizers also canceled several activities since delegates from SARS-hit countries and regions could not participate.

  "We had planned many promotion events with more than 30 staff members participating but we cut that number down to four or five," said Lian Ping, a spokesman for Shanghai Unicom, the city's smaller mobile operator.

  But for those who did turn up at the show, some new gadgets and services proved worth the while.

  Japan-based electronic giant Sanyo demonstrated its latest perception of third generation wireless telecom by showcasing its 3G concept handset, "Intelligent."

  The double-color-screen phone has two cameras facing in opposite directions which can make video conference more pleasant since it shows both parties. Its organic electro luminescence screen can display 260,000 colors, compared with the 4,096 colors of mainstream liquid crystal display screen.

  For mobile phone buffs, Tiptop Wireless Technology Inc amazed visitors with its Walkie Net program which can be downloaded wirelessly.

  The local start-up's program, though only 22 kilobits in file size, offered 10 mobile phone games and a chatting end program. Currently, eight handset brandnames on the market, all high-end phones with colorful screens, are compatible with this free service and program.

  One of the most timely offering at the show may be Shanghai Mobile's wireless conference call service, which can support up to 255 people to participate in one single phone meeting, either through a fixed-line or a mobile phone.

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