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Yeah!That's the Ticket
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/25 13:10  《英语学习》

  It was nice to read in the papers that a millionaire made ,900,000 honestly (before taxes).

  Andrew "Jack" Whittaker, a native of Hurricane, W.Va., held the winning ticket in the Powerball lottery.<注1>

  Hollywood immediately went to work on a movie.

  The producer<注2> says, "Okay, this a great story. It has everything ?suspense, inspiration and, of course, money. Everyone dreams of winning a lottery. Jack Whittaker is a hero, and we want to show a simple man caught up in a unbelievable world."<注3>

  Writer: "We open with a shot of a gas station in Hurricane."

  Producer: "We have to change the town's name. No one would ever win a lottery from a town named Hurricane. If we are going to cast Jack Nicholson, it should be called Bedford Falls.<注4>"

  Writer: "Good thinking, boss. Okay, Jack is a good man but down on his luck.<注5>"Producer: "But the lucky guy who won was a millionaire even before he won the lottery."

  Writer: "You have no plot<注6> if he doesn't have financial worries at the beginning."

  Producer: "Right-o. The theme of the picture is, you can still have monetary problems even if you're a millionaire."<注7>

  Writer: "Like the guys at Enron<注8>. Now for the plot.<注9>Suppose on the way to the bank Jack's uncle loses the winning ticket."

  Producer: "Good idea. The whole town knows about it, but they don't believe him. They think Jack has put his money in an offshore account in the Cayman Islands.<注10>"

  Writer: "Jack looks everywhere to find his ticket. In desperation he goes to the mean Bedford Falls banker, Anthony Hopkins.<注11> Jack begs the banker to loan him million until he finds the ticket.<注12>The banker laughs at him. 'I wouldn't even loan it to you if you put up your WorldCom stock as collateral.'<注13>"

  Producer: "Where do we go from here?"

  Writer: "Jack is about to commit suicide, when who should show up but an angel."<注14>

  Producer: "An angel. Haven't I seen that before?"<注15>

  Writer: "Who's going to remember it? The angel has been assigned to find Jack's lottery ticket."

  Producer: "Do you mind telling me how?"

  Writer: "The angel tells Jack he gave it to the parking lot attendant by mistake the night he went to the movies."<注16>

  Producer: "What a finish!"<注17>

  Writer: "At the end, Jack appears on Jerry Falwell<注18>'s TV show. Falwell says if Whittaker wants to get with the Lord he should give the million to Falwell's 'Old Time Gospel Hour.' "

  Producer: "What an ending. We've got another 'It's a Wonderful Life.' "



  2. producer:(电影、电视片等的)制片人。

  3.因制片人急于表达自己的想法,这句话中出现了两处不规范的表达(如this a great story,应为this is a great story,和a unbelievable world应为an unbelievable world)。suspense:悬念;inspiration:鼓舞人心的人(或事物);catch up:被迷住,被缠住。

  4. Jack Nicholson:杰克-尼科尔森,美国著名演员。Bedford Falls是1946年的电影《风云人物》(即本文最后提到的电影It's a Wonderful Life)的故事发生地。影片的情节是:乔治在美国贝德福德-福斯小镇上的一家银行从事风险投资工作,他的工作很失败,结果债台高筑。圣诞夜,乔治决定一死了之。天堂里的两位圣人知道后,决定派一名天使帮助乔治摆脱困境,终于使他体会到了人生的真谛。影片由当时美国的著名影星詹姆斯-史都华主演。我们不难看出这部电影的构思是对《风云人物》的模仿。

  5.杰克是个好人,但并不走运。down on one's luck:不走运的。

  6. plot:(小说、戏剧等的)情节。

  7. Right-o:(感叹词)对啦;theme:主题;monetary:金钱的。

  8. Enron:安然公司。此处指安然公司虽然是美国大公司,但仍逃脱不了破产的命运。下文提到的世通公司(WorldCom)在2002年爆出美国历史上最大的假账事件。

  9.现在来讨论剧情。Now for:现在着手于……。

  10.他们认为杰克把钱存到开曼群岛的外国帐户里了。Cayman Islands:开曼群岛,是加勒比海地区颇具声誉的海外金融中心。

  11.绝望中,他求助于贝德福德-福斯吝啬的银行家,安东尼-霍普金斯。Anthony Hopkins:安东尼-霍普金斯,美国著名演员。



  14.杰克就要自杀的时候,一个天使出现了。show up: <口>露面。


  16.天使告诉他杰克去看电影时,错把彩票给了停车场管理员。the movies:一场电影。


  18. Jerry Falwell:杰里-福尔韦尔,一位著名牧师。Old Time Gospel Hour(古老福音)是他办的一档电视节目。

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