A Country of the Highest Mountains:Tajikistan |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/28 11:50 中国周刊 |
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Rugged and mountainous land: Tajikistan sits at the heart of Central Asia with China to the East and the Indian sub-continent to the South. Three major Silk Road routes ran through its present territory. Tajikistan is remarkable for its variety and contrasting nature conditions. The highest mountains of Central Asia - the Pamirs, occupy nearly the half of territory of Tajikistan. The snow-caped Peak Ismail Samani reaches height of 7495 meters. There is also the highest mountain salty lake Karakul and the biggest glacier Fedchenko (77 km.). In August 1999 the International mountain climbing expedition was arranged dedicated to the 1100 anniversary of Samanid's state, in which more then 75 climbers from 13 countries participated. The Republic of Tajikistan is not large, occupying an area of 143,000 square kilometers. There are 22 cities and towns in Tajikistan. Cities such as Khujand (Alexandria-Extreme), Istaravshan and Panjikent are among the most ancient settlements in the East. Most of these cities date back more than 2500 years. The capital of the country is Dushanbe. Situated in the center of the Hisar valley, at the cross road of caravan paths, it was famous for its boisterous Monday bazaars (hence its name Dushanbe, which means Monday in Tajik). Tajiks The Tajiks are one of the most ancient peoples of the world. Their ancestors trians were the first inhabitants of Central Asia. The 6 million population of Tajikistan is ethnically diverse. While Tajiks comprise more than 70 percent of the population, almost 90 other nationalities live in Tajikistan. The people are notable for their industrious nature, settled way of life, devotion to family, children, native land and home. They are very kind-hearted, friendly, and revere their customs and traditions. The first Tajik state emerged in 892, providing independence from the Arab Caliphate. Samanid state brought to the world very famous poets, scientists and philosophers like Rudaki, Ibn Sina (known in the West as Avicenna), Beruni and others. Tajiks also venerate Firdousi - a poet and composer of the mhah-Nameh (Book of Kings) - the national epic of Iranian peoples, Saadi, Hafiz and Omar Khayyam - composer of magnificent quatrains.ClimateThe climate of Tajikistan is very different. It is subtropical in low valleys, temperate in middle circles of mountains and cold in high mountains. That's why it is possible to grow most sun loving cultures (including citric plants) and get 2-3 harvests per year. Tajikistan is also rich of lakes. Among them the famous - Iskandarkul named after Alexander the Great, lake - meven Belles located in Fan Mountains. Rich natural resourcesThe mineral resources of Tajikistan contain almost all elements of the Mendeleyev table and are a unique storage of wealth. Tajikistan is one of the countries, which possess significant resources of precious metals. By information of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, 28 deposits of gold have been identified in territory of Tajikistan, with total estimated volume 429.3 tons of gold.The world's second large deposit of silver is situated in the north of Tajikistan. With annual extraction of 50 tons of silver, the deposit will last for 150 years. There is a deposit, which is unique with its contents of gold, silver, zinc, antimony and lead. The value of the metals here is estimated at more than billion. It is the only deposit of this type in the world.Non-ferrous metallurgy is mainly represented in Tajikistan by the Tajik Aluminum Plant (TADAZ). At present, TADAZ is the flagship of Tajik industry. With its designed capacity of 517,000 tons of aluminum a year, TADAZ is the third largest in the world.Tajikistan, according to index of hydropower resources, takes the first place in the world and by absolute index(527 billion kilowatt/hour per year) the eighth. The Norak hydroelectric power station (2700 megawatt) enterssintos30 the most powerful hydro stations of the world. According to the level of dam's height, Norak is the world leader - 300 meters above sea level.
Kulob attracts visitors with its splendid monuments to the past and unique nature. The ancient town of Hulbuk - the legendary capital of Khutalan is located not far from it. Khujand dates back to the 7th century BC and was a key crossroad on the Silk Road with routes branching off in all directions. At its height, the city was a renowned religious center and today the magnificent citadel, the mausoleum of Sheikh Muslihiddin and an 18th century mosque are among the monuments, which attract visitors. The city is homeland to great poet Kamal Khujandi.The Hisar Historic and Cultural Reserve locates near the capital Dushanbe is fascinating archaeological complex which scholars say dates from the 15th century. Several mosques, a caravanserai, a madrasa and a mausoleum have all been excavated and are on display. Historical personalities and celebrities of TajikistanIn 1999 the Republic of Tajikistan issued its new national currency - Samani. The portraits of eminent representatives of Tajik people became the central part of design of bonds of various denominations. For example, on bond of 100-Samani denomination (US = 2.95 Samani) the portrait of founder of Tajik statehood, educated monarch-reformer of 10th century Ismail Samani is painted. On other bonds founder of classic Tajik-Persian literature Abu Abdullah Rudaki, eminent thinker, encyclopaedist and famous physician of 10th century - the author of world-wide famous book of the Canon of Medical Science Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna), famous preacher Said Ali Hamadani, founder of modern Tajik literature Sadriddin Aini, academician and author of tajiks Babajan Ghafurov, famous public and political figure, poet Mirza Tursunzade and others are painted.Tajikistan and China: their historical and cultural relations Relationships between Tajik and Chinese peoples are the most ancient one in Central Asia and their roots go backsintosdepth of centuries. The first Chinese Ambassador to the State of Baktria (today's Tajikistan) Zhang Qian in his memories about Western countries of 138 BC gives us invaluable, unique historical information about geography, culture and life of Tajiks. Ambassador Zhang was not only the first one amongst famous Chinese diplomats, scientists and travellers who had visited Central Asia, but he was a discoverer of the Grate Silk Road. In his memories he says that Emperor Wudi of Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) ordered him to negotiate with Baktrians on buying heavenly? rapid, strong, tireless horses to China with Chinese silk. It was the first trade exchange in the Silk Road, through which trade caravans went from China to the West through Baktrian territory.Tajiks sent their first diplomatic mission to China in 230 AD during the rule of Tajik Kushan Empire. Since that ancient time up until now the peoples of both countries live in peace and accord, friendship and good-neighborliness.The new era of Tajik-Chinese relations began on September 9, 1991, when the Republic of Tajikistan became an independent state. On January 4, 1992 diplomatic relations were established between the Republic of Tajikistan and the People's Republic of China. Tajikistan found in person of China reliable, friendly and close neighbor.The People's Republic of China were among the first countries in the world who recognized the independence of Tajikistan and during the most difficult period of its sovereignty's formation offered thorough political and economical support to Tajik people. Since the first days of establishing diplomatic relations between Tajikistan and China mutual activities to strengthen ties on politics, trade, economy, science, technology and culture had begun and successfully continue to this day. Two countries have also a close cooperation within the framework of Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Tajikistan and China intend to further strengthen their trade tiesThanks to its economic, political and military power, geographical situation, as well as its experience in process of country's modernization the People's Republic of China occupies priority position in the foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan. It can be proved by repeated official and friendly visits of the president of the two countries. More than 60 treaties and agreements have been signed between two countries. Thereby the stable legal basis for development of economic and trade as well as scientific and technical relations between Tajikistan and China was established.With the purpose of promoting bilateral economic relations the Joint Commission on trade and economic cooperation between Tajikistan and China was set up. Its first meeting was held in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) in April 2001. In territory of the Republic of Tajikistan several joint Tajik-Chinese ventures are operating now. Tobacco factory, Joint Venture rishta on deep conversion of cotton, madaf-Changyu on producing aluminum and plastic packaging and etc are among them. At present, several Chinese companies are working in Tajikistan on basis of direct contracts. The shuttle trade is well developed. The Tajik Air Company makes regular weekly flights from Dushanbe (Tajikistan) to Urumqi (China) and back. Insgroupsto further develop and strengthen bilateral trade relations two countries decided to open in the nearest future a road, which will connect western part of China with Tajikistan. The road would encourage not only bilateral trade relations, but would promote the regional trade. The Tajik side pays special attention to the road because it makes it possible for Tajikistan to have access to seaports. The Chinese businessman and entrepreneurs are warmly invited to come to Tajikistan insgroupsto further develop trade and economic cooperation between two countries, which will be mutually beneficial. Travelling experiences in China In my opinion, as an ambassador in any country and particularly in a such big one, with ancient and rich history and culture like China not only just should but is obliged to travel outside the capital and to visit provinces, cities, the countryside, industrial and agricultural sites, historical and cultural sights as far as possible. Thanks to support and consideration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China I succeeded already to visit 4 provinces as well as the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in a short time of my stay in China (about 5 months). These kinds of trips not only give opportunity to get to know closer your beautiful and wonderful country, her impressive economic achievements but, which is more important, help to understand better the people, his mentality, traditions which are based on philosophy and culture of thousands years of formation. And once thinking over what did you see, being more and more carried away by industriousness, talents and wisdom of the Chinese people the reasons of your striking changes in all spheres of human activities are becoming more understandable. I think that all of this is important to an ambassador who is called up for strengthening of friendship ties and cooperation of his country with China. Besides in travels across the country you will find a lot of new friends. During conversations I am regretfully seeing that despite the fact that our peoples are close neighbors and our friendship dates back to remote past the peoples of our both countries know a little about each other. As an ambassador I consider one of my missions in removing this gap in our relationships. |
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