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Which striker was given the all-clear
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/28 16:51  新浪教育

  Text of SMS

  1. English text:Which striker was given the all-clear?

  2. Chinese text:那个前锋已宣告完全康复?

  Audio of SMS


  3. English audio:Which striker was given the all-clear?

  Extended audio:


  4. English text:

  Celtic striker Henrik Larsson has declared himself ready to face Liverpool in the UEFA Cup quarter-final. Larsson was given the all-clear from the club's medical staff following six weeks out with a broken jaw.

  5. Chinese text translation:

  塞尔提克队(Celtic)前锋亨利克防尔森(Henrik Larsson)宣布他已准备好在欧洲联盟杯四分一决赛中面对利物浦队。拉尔森因下巴骨被撞坏停赛六星期后足球俱乐部医护人员宣布他已完全康复。


  striker 前锋

  declared himself 自己宣布

  Ready to face 已可以面对(与……比赛)

  UEFA Cup 欧洲联盟杯

  quarter final 四分一决赛

  given the all-clear 得到(医生)通知完全康复

  medical staff 医护(医疗)人员

  out 不能参加(比赛)


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