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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > What's in store for next month?

What's in store for next month?
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/29 16:48  BBC短信英语

  Section A: Text of SMS

  1. English text:What's in store for next month?

  2. Chinese text:下个月有什麽事?/下个月进什麽时髦货?(双关语)

  Section B:


  3. English audio:What's in store for next month?

  Section C:


  4. English text:Check out the fashion mags to explore what's coming up in the shops. Look out girls, those hemlines are rising skywards and miniskirts are back! And just wait till you see the micro-minis!

  5. Chinese translation:


  Section D: Glossary

  In store IN STORE 本意是摶有什么事发生"。但在英语中STORE也指商店(SHOP)。所以这里是一语双关,故意开玩笑,问:"商店里将进什麽时髦新装"。

  Check out 这里指检查,查看

  Fashion mags (magazines) 时装杂志

  Look out girls 女仕们请注意

  Hemlines 衣服,裙子的底边

  Skywards 向天空。这里意指"很高" (裙子极短)

  Miniskirts 迷你短裙

  ©BBC and BBC Worldwide Ltd 2003
   TM©BBC 1996

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