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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Italians get their hands on 3G mobiles

Italians get their hands on 3G mobiles
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/29 17:09  BBC短信英语

  Section A: Text of SMS

  1. English text:Italians get their hands on 3G mobiles.

  2. Chinese text:意大利人有3G手机了。

  Section B:


  3. English audio:Italians get their hands on 3G mobiles.

  Section C:


  4. English text:

  Many people in Italy have two mobiles - one for business and one for pleasure. So it's not surprising that they're among the first consumers in the world to get their hands on the new third generation mobile phones.

  5. Chinese translation:


  Section D: Glossary

  3G 第三代(Third Generation)手机,拥有包括视频在内的一些新功能

  mobile 手机,手提电话

  One for business and one for pleasure 一个供办事(工作、做生意),一个供享乐

  Among the first 属于头一批

  consumers 消费者

  Get their hands on 拿到,获得,拥有

  Third generation 第三代3G

  ©BBC and BBC Worldwide Ltd 2003
   TM©BBC 1996

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