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An Unexpected Result/意外的结局
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/02 11:58  厦门日报

  Jane, an ugly girl , was treated differently from her beautiful classmate, Monica ,who lived an abundant life and had blond curly hair. Despite knowing she might commit a crime, she still tried to find fault with Monica. She glued a live spider in Monica's drawer for she knew Monica had a phobia about spiders. Accidentally, the spider escaped and hid in Monica's schoolbag. In class, it crawled out and headed for Jane. It bit Jane and afterwards Jane had a fever. When she recovered, she remembered a fable telling people that those who harm others will serve themselves right.

  詹是个丑陋的姑娘,她的同学莫尼卡生活富裕,长着一头金发。大家对莫尼卡比对她好得多。詹因此要找莫尼卡的碴,哪怕会犯罪也不管。她把一只活蜘蛛用胶粘在莫尼卡的抽屉里,因为莫尼卡怕蜘蛛。谁知蜘蛛却钻进莫尼卡的书包。上课时,它爬出来咬了詹,害她发了烧。詹康复后想到一句话,害人者必害己。By Enny Chen

  A kindhearted girl/善良的姑娘

  There was an interesting story in a fable book: Chris was a kindhearted girl who committed herself to helping homeless animals and accumulated abundant experiences in taking care of them. One day, when Chris was passing by an old stable house, her eyes were glued to a little dog which was curling in the corner. Although the dog was dirty, ugly and had a high fever, Chris took it home.

  一本童话书中讲了个有趣的故事:克丽斯是个很有爱心的女孩,她总是去帮助无家可归的小动物并积累了丰富的照顾动物的经验。一天,她路过一所老房子,她的视线被一只蜷缩在角落的小狗牢牢吸引。尽管这只狗很脏很丑,并且发着高烧,克丽斯还是把它带回家了。by Joychen

  Thanks to Lois,薛炎云,袁丽娜,Gary Chen,Adam eng,Anne, etc. who sent us their stories.

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