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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 咖啡文化:啜一口一个悠闲的午后

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/08 13:09  空中美语




  Conversation A

  Hillary is introducing her friend James to her new favorite coffee shop.James: Cappuccino, mocha, caféau lait... I never knew a cup of coffee had so many names!

  Hillary: Not only that, but in Vienna, people think the kind of coffee you drink says something about your personality.1

  James: So for them, coffee is more than a drink. It's also a lifestyle2 statement?3

  Hillary: It sure is. Drinking coffee is a way to connect with the romantic lives of artists and philosophers, like Brahms and Voltaire.

  Conversation B

  James: Did they drink a lot of coffee?

  Hillary: Oh, yes! Brahms had a regular4 table at his favorite coffeehouse in Vienna, and Voltaire used to drink 50 cups a day.

  James: We'd better hurry up and order. I have to get back to work!

  Hillary: Relax! As the Viennese would say: If you don't have time for a coffee break, then your life needs changing.

  by Francise Raunet


  Sentence 4U:

  hurry up“快一点”,例如:

  Hurry up! We don't want to be late for the party!













  Fred was a man who didn't like change. Every morning, he woke himself up(提神) by drinking the same brand(牌子)of instant coffee(速溶咖啡) from the same old mug(杯子). One day, however, he noticed a beautiful girl as he was walking by a DantéCoffee shop. He walked in and ordered a cup of coffee.“How do you take your coffee(咖啡要加些什么), sir?”Dorothy asked.“I take it black([不加牛奶的]黑咖啡), unless you have creamer([小盒装]奶油球),”he replied. She suggested that he try something different and, for once in his life, Fred did. Fred watched Dorothy's hands as she topped(加在……上面) his cappuccino(卡布奇诺咖啡) with foamed milk(牛奶泡) and cinnamon(肉桂).The next morning, Fred went back to DantéCoffee again and ordered a muffin(松饼). He asked Dorothy on a date and, to his surprise, she said yes. From then on, every time Fred stirred(搅拌) creamer//into//his coffee with a stir stick(搅拌棒), he thought about how good it is to have a little change in one's life—once in a while.


  英语练功房 复合形容词adj.-Ving是由形容词从句变化而来的。例如:

  the coffee which tastes smooth→the smooth-tasting coffee顺滑的咖啡

  a girl who looks good→a good-looking girl美丽的女孩被修饰的名词coffee/girl正是动词taste/look的主语,因此变成并合形容词时,要用现在分词。



   Our English teacher is very ______; she doesn't scold us if we hand in our homework late.


   The ______ mother stood at the door waiting for her son.

  1. easy-going2. worried-looking

英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. personality

n. the way a person is 个性;性格
Audrey has a friendly personality. She is nice to everyone.

2. lifestyle

n. the way sb. lives and works 生活方式
When you get married, your lifestyle will change a lot.


n. sth. that tells about the ideas or beliefs sb. has 表达;声明
By not eating meat, Joseph was making a statement about his love for animals.


adj. usual; normal 有规律的
I had my regular meal for lunch today: vegetable soup and bread.


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