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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《纽约时报》记者编造事实被解雇

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/19 10:37  北京青年报

  The NewYorkTimes is America's "newspaper of record", i.e. the newspa-per that readers and scholars turn to first for comprehensive, detailed and factually accurate reporting. Operating on the center-left of the US political spectrum, the paper is highly respected -- but also widely disliked, especially by right-wingers and people on the hard and far left.①Yet even those who loathe the paper's characteristic politi-cal attitudes expect②it to get the facts straight.

  Wayne Stayskal's cartoon refers to the scandalous discovery that Jayson Blair, a 27-year-old reporter with four years on the staff of the Times, had been fabricating facts, quotes and expense account bills right up to his sudden exposure and dismissal early this month. Last weekend the Timespublished a massive self-criticism detailing Blair's lies and the paper's failure over the years to follow up on numerous indications that something was amiss. American journalism is shaken by a scandal of this sort once every few years.

  Stayskal shows us a street scene in what is probably New York. The man reading the Times at the bus stop remarks on a story③that begins with the words "Once upon a time", the classic opening for fairy tales in English. Calling an account a "fairy tale", however, is also a common way of saying that it is an obvious lie.





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