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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/19 10:44  寄托天下


  Graduate Record Examination: Applicants must submit scores on the Verbal Aptitude of the GRE. Normally, they should achieve a score in the 85th percentile or higher.


  The Admissions Committee uses the Fricke Index to screen applicants. The Index is calculated using the G.P.A. as well as the Verbal and Quantitative GRE scores. Two separate Fricke Indices are calculated: (1) using GRE scores and G.P.A. for junior and senior undergraduate grades, and (2) using GRE scores and G.P.A. for the master's degree (if applicable). Normally, it is expected that the minimum standards will be Indices of 5.6 (using junior- senior G.P.A.) and 6.0 (using master's degree G.P.A.). For example, an Index of 5.6 is equivalent to 50th percentile scores on the two GRE measures and a G.P.A. of 3.4 on a 4.0 scale. The Fricke Index is calculated using the following formula: Fricke Index= [Verbal GRE + Quantitative GRE]/400 + G.P.A.

  附:将heatpump与University of Wisconsin-Madison联系的email(heatpump友情提供)公布如下:

  Dear Prospective Graduate Student:

  We have received your inquiry concerning graduate work in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

  We consider only very highly qualified applicants for admission. The minimum achievement for consideration is a first-class rating, a 3.00 GPA on a 4.00 scale in the last 60(+) credits in your undergraduate degree, or a 78% standing in a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate program. Students must be thoroughly conversant with written and spoken English, and international students are required to take either the TOEFLexamination (scores above 580 are desirable) or the Michigan ELI (scores above 90 are preferred). Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores are required. A GRE score (Verbal + Quantitative + Analytical) less than 1500 is considered marginal for admission in the older test method. A total of 1100 or better in Verbal and Quantitative and 3.5 or better in the Analytical in the newest test method. Applicants with scores less than admissible should retake the exam or supply reasons for their low score with the application. While the above are the minimum requirements for admission, past experience indicates that only truly exceptional students receive offers of support from faculty in our Department.

  Sincerely yours,

  Linda S. Aaberg ME Graduate Secretary

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