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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 10年前生产的大豆罐头如今身价百倍

Tin Of 10-year-old Tesco Beans Worth
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/22 10:33  金羊网-新快报

  A Warwickshire man is in the running to earn£500 from a 10-year-old tin of baked beans which he found in the back of his cupboard.

  Tesco is offering the money to the first customer who can produce a can of 1993 Tesco Value Baked Beans.Mark Pugh found the beans, which originally sold for 17p, in the back of a cupboard at work. "I'd seen a tin lying around somewhere and when I couldn't find it at home, I had a look in the office." He has written to Tesco about his beans and is awaiting a reply.

  They want to display the tin in their head office as part of a display marking 10 years of the cut-price value brand.





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