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你用什么吸引我 东挑西拣学问多多
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/27 13:12  空中美语




  Have you ever stopped to wonder why you choose the products you buy? What makes you pick the Uni-President instant noodles over Master Kang?

  As so many products are similar, companies must find ways to distinguish their brand from competitors' insgroupsto survive in the market. Creative advertising often does the trick, making one product appear more interesting than others. As a result, companies spend huge amounts of money on complex advertising campaigns—all aimed at appealing to the world of the imagination.

  Take Nike for example. Until it came up with the idea of using Michael Jordan to endorse its products, it was just another sporting goods company. But by repeatedly associating the superstar with its brand, Nike capitalized on public recognition of his talent, fame and athleticism. The insight that people around the world dream of being“Like Mike”led directly to Nike's domination in its market.

  More Information/仅供参考,不须强记

  1. endorse v.代言(产品)

  2. capitalize on v. phr.利用;从……中获利

  3. athleticism n.崇尚运动

  4. domination n.主宰;支配

你用什么吸引我 东挑西拣学问多多




英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. distinguish

v. to tell the difference between sb./sth. and others which are similar 分辨

2. brand

n. a particular product made by one company 商标;牌子

3. competitor

n. a business which sells the same thing as another business 竞争者;对手

4. complex

adj. complicated; involving many parts 综合的;复杂的

5. insight

n. an understanding of a situation or sb.'s character 洞察力

6. lead to

v. phr. to cause 导致


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