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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 仿效贝克汉姆新发型 英国男童失学

仿效贝克汉姆新发型 英国男童失学
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/29 10:15  金羊网-新快报

  A 14-year-old Merseyside boy has been suspended from school for copying David Beckham's braided hairstyle.

  Kenny Jamieson has been banned from Savio Roman Catholic High School, in Bootle, after the headteacher declared the hairstyle unacceptable. The school ban came as boys were advised not to copy the England footballer's tightly braided hairstyle because it could make them prematurely bald or give them headaches.

  Don Jamieson, Kenny's father, said: "There are plenty of girls at the school who have braids but the head teacher told me it was inappropriate for a white boy to have such a hairstyle. That is ridiculous and I will not put up with it."

  Trevor Mitchell, who owns a chain of hairdressing salons, said that young people who wanted the new Beckham look should be aware of the dangers. "It is basically a Caribbean hairstyle and it could cause breakages in finer, blond hair. If these breakages happen at the base, at the follicle, the hair might not be replaced. I would not advise young lads to have this done."

仿效贝克汉姆新发型 英国男童失学



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