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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > U2乐队博诺为其软毡帽策划昂贵旅行

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/30 10:18  金羊网-新快报

  Bono reportedly splashed out£1,000 to have his trilby flown first class to Italy.

  The U2 singer had forgotten to pack his favourite hat for a charity gig with Luciano Pavarotti. So he organised an epic journey to ensure it arrived safely from England, reports The Sun. First a cab took the hat to Gatwick Airport from West London, running up a£100 fare and tip. Once there, stewards collected the trilby and put it on Monday's 1.40pm British Airways flight to Bologna, costing Bono£442.

  But even though it had its own first class seat, flight attendants were concerned it would go missing or get squashed so they moved it into the cockpit. On touch-down, a£150 hired driver grabbed the hat and sped to Modena, Pavarotti's home town and the venue for the concert. An insider told The Sun: "Including£200 insurance and tips, he spent about£1,000 flying it out - but that's nothing compared to the amount he'll have raised on the night."





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