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Banking Error Ends 35-year Marriage
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/04 10:47  金羊网-新快报

  A Brazilian couple have won£10,000 compensation after a banking error ended their 35-year marriage.

  Maria Rodriques filed for divorce after her bank wrongly told her that her husband Luiz Gonzaga had a joint account with another woman. However, Mrs Rodrigues says she might stay divorced - even though the bank has admitted being at fault.

  The dispute started five years ago when she wentsintosthe Estado de Santa Catarina bank in Santa Catarina to withdraw her husband's pension. Mrs Rodrigues told Jornal Nacional: "They told me I wasn't my husband's wife and even showed me on the computer screen the name of another woman who would be his real wife."

  Refusing to listen to her husband's protestations of innocence, Mrs Rodrigues filed for divorce. Meanwhile, Mr Gonzaga hired a lawyer and set about trying to prove the bank was at fault. Finally, he won his case in the courts and the bank was ordered to pay the couple£10,000 compensation.

  But, even after the court ruling, Mrs Rodrigues says she is not sure about getting back together with her former husband. Mr Gonzaga said: "The money is good, but it doesn't make up for a failed marriage, does it?"

银行搞错储户姓名 恩爱夫妻闹离婚



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