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英语故事:The Man and the Monkey
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/10 14:13  厦门日报

  ——Yoo hoo! Monkey!Where are you,little monkey?

  ——Come here little monkey!Come out, come outWherever you are!

  ——Where could he be?He must be around.Here somewhere.

  ——The boss is going to skin me alive when she finds out I lost her monkey.

  Synopsis(故事大纲): The security guard has been hired full time to take care of a small, but troublesome monkey. If you have any ideas for the cartoon story, please feel free to e-mail us.

  Skin me alive: Literally it means to remove someone's skin while they are still alive. In everyday speech however, if someone says that they will be skinned alive it means that they will be in a lot of trouble - usually from someone with more authority.(活剥我的皮)

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