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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 美国农夫喜得直径7英寸巨无霸鸡蛋

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/11 10:20  金羊网-新快报

  A pensioner has told of her surprise after finding a massive egg in her chicken run.

  Freda Smith, 73, of Butley, Suffolk, believes one of her 10 chickens produced the egg, which weighs 7oz and has a diameter of 8in. However, some neighbours believe the pensioner could have been the victim of hoaxers, as the large egg is the same colour and size as those laid by geese.

  One source said: "I think this is could be a prank. It's pretty easy to get your hands on a goose egg at this time of year and it looks remarkably like one."

  "I found it in the run on Wednesday morning," said Mrs Smith, a retired school cook. "I couldn't believe it. The eggs we normally get are about 2oz. We've had the odd one with a double yolk before but nothing like this. I have no idea which one of them laid it." She added: "It's not a record. The Guinness Book of Records says the biggest chicken egg they know of weighed 12oz. But I don't know anyone whose seen anything like it before. "We'll have to eat it eventually or it will go off. Goodness knows how many yolks there'll be. We'll need a lot of toast."




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