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British brand worth stretching
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/17 09:53  上海英文星报

  TO most local people, the name of Peter Golding was first heard at the Leading Edge exhibition, a major event to display British creativity last November.

  But at that time, Vivienne Westwood overshadowed all the other designers.

  This time, Peter Golding shows his collection of Street jeans, giving people the opportunity to get to know and understand him and, more importantly, this British brand of jeans.

  In 1978 Peter Golding created the first stretch jeans, utilizing a specially and produced innovative stretch indigo denim.

  Since then, his designs have continued to be worn by glamorous men and women from all corners of the globe, including celebrities such as Janet Jackson, Queen, the Rolling Stones and Jane Fonda.

  The jeans which are renowned for fitting like a second skin are designed to be both fun and sexy. The close to the body cut highlights women's slim figures. The embroidered tattoo label gives the collection a taste of Oriental mystery.

  Overcoats, vests, headbands, bras and shoes, everything can be made of denim and reflect the unrestraining femininity and excitement of jeans.

  Also interesting is the fact Peter Golding is also an avid musician, very much dedicated to Jazz and Blues. He plays guitar and piano.

  Based in London, Peter Golding sells in European countries and also sees growing sales in other markets such as Japan. In China, he intends to achieve brand recognition and to increase his knowledge of the Chinese market, insgroupsto explore and expand his business.

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