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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 环保主义者的呼声:不爱长城非好汉

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/17 10:21  北京青年报

  Who are we if we cannot CHERISH the Great Wall?

  "Exodus to countryside creates litter mountain" read①a headline in the South China Morning Post on May 28. Due to SARS, wrote Benjamin Wong in Hong Kong's main English-language paper, 1.4 million Hongkongers flocked to the region's countryside parks during April. And they left an unprecedented amount -- 460 tonnes -- of garbage. Bins overflowed, park staff worked a record amount of overtime and the government spent a record amount of money to clean up the mess.

  As an environmentalist and a Great Wall conserva-tionist in particular, I found the report troubling. What, I wondered, is going to happen after the SARS emergency, when Beijing's cooped-up populace once again starts head-ing for the hills, especially around the Great Wall? Even before SARS, the mountains near Beijing and the popular sections of the Great Wall were increasingly strewn with litter. Post-SARS, people will be more likely to get rid of their own garbage as soon as they possibly can -- on the spot. With thousands of people heedlessly dumping trash each week, it won't be long before what they seek in the hills -- a bit of wilderness -- is lost.

  It is a sad fact that China's countryside is rapidly being despoiled by city people. So what is to be done?

  For the last three years, International Friends of the Great Wall, the society I founded to contribute to the pro-tection of the monument, has operated a ranger scheme at a section of wall in Huairou County. In that time we've learned a lot about the phenomenon of littering. The scheme has two components: farmers employed as rangers to walk the trails and wall and pick up garbage left by those visitors who, for whatever reason, still litter in defi-ance of our "green message boards", the second compo-nent. Yes, the message "Take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints, keep the wall wild and won-derful!" is ignored by all too many visitors.

  During the first year we hired a truck every three months to take garbage to a landfill site in Huairou. By last autumn we needed the truck every month.

  On the positive side, with investment in time, money, materials and management -- and most of all motivation to keep the wall and its surroundings clean -- the site can be maintained. But if the scheme were stopped, even for a short time, our part of the wall would rapidly deteriorate in environmental quality and become as bad as many other sites. Why are so many people unwilling to be good stew-ards of the Great Wall and the beautiful countryside in gen-eral? Despite our plea, we estimate that 70 percent of visitors still just go ahead and drop their garbage. What possesses them to litter?

  Five years ago, as I was organizing my first Great Wall cleanup, a colleague suggested, in a friendly but frank way, that I should abandon the activity. "That's the govern-ment's job," he said. "You should stick to what you really love, researching the wall." His comment revealed what those 70 percent think: that it's not their job. But it's a massive and costly undertaking to clean up after 70 percent of 1.3 billion.

  International Friends of the Great Wall, an underfunded NGO, has used a considerable proportion of its limited cash to date②to address a problem that need not exist in the first place -- and at a time when there are many other serious issues to confront.

  Nature has physically damaged the Ming dynasty wall enormously in the last 350 years. Advancing deserts, severe mountain weather and tremors have all taken their toll.③What remains now is the fragile soul of the Great Wall: even this is now under modern attack, by man.

  "Who are we if we cannot reach the Great Wall?" wrote Chairman Mao in 1935 as he spurred on the Red Army during the Long March. Nearly 70 years later it's never been easier to reach the Great Wall: people have money, leisure time, cars and good roads. Maybe now we should ask "Who are we if we cannot CHERISH the Great Wall?" We must learn to tread softly in this outdoor museum, not to scrawl our names and thoughts on its 500-year-old bricks. We must see the Great Wall from a new perspective, not just as an ancient structure but as a landscape, not something that belongs to us for use today, but something we all must help to preserve for tomorrow.

  But most of all we must CONTRIBUTE as individu-als, each and every one of us. Insgroupsto guide and encour-age the growing numbers of people visiting the countryside to play their part, International Friends of the Great Wall has started to promote a "Countryside Code". Next week I'll tell you about it -- and ask you to take the pledge!

  For more on Great Wall conservation see www.friendsofgreatwall.org















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