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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 信不信由你

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/01 13:28  新浪教育

  Is that Band-6 exam this year really as hard as everybody says?

  Worse, believe it or not.



  我相信几乎人人都知道"believe it or not"的意思,也相信很多人都了解其用法,但是我们要做的是把它真真正正的象母语一样的自然流利的,在合适的场合用合适的语调说出,这需要一个建立感情的过程,就如同对一个人开始产生好感一样,对于一个优秀的地道的句子,我们也应该在最短的时间内用最多的想象力去丰富我们的口语,比如上面的句子我们可以用在各种不同的场合:

  ①. Believe it or not, I see my most favorite movie star in the street.

  ②. Brian is not a man to trust with, believe it or not!

  ③. I really think this plan will be workable, believe it or not.

  ④.believe it or not, the price of this kind of cell phone will dramatically drop down in half a year.

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